[i]The Moon[/i] With a slight frown, Artemis strode quietly after Quinn from a distance. She watched as guards pursued him, a quartet of them, and sighed. It seemed that her brother recognized that he too had pursuers of his own right, immediately went to disguising his movements as he descended deeper and deeper into the wood. It was only a mater of a few minutes, and before they even realized it, the guards were walking in circles. From the trees, she watched and smirked. Fools like these would never find her father's cabin if only by sheer luck. Even still, that was not a risk that the silver-haired girl was willing to afford. From a distance between the trees, she notched an arrow onto the string and drew the fletching back to her ear. With a singsong twang, the arrow whistled through the air and struck a guard through the neck before burrowing into the chest of another. What were once suddenly four guards became two as both men collapsed into a gurgling mess of blood. Crying out in fear, the remaining two fled as the wounded one attempted to crawl away. She watched him, considering how it was best to retrieve her arrow, and then hopped down from her perch. Sauntering up to the slowly dying man, she heard him whimper as with her footfalls, her presence became overly obvious. She did not draw her knife to finish her prey, instead she grasped the shaft of the arrow and pushed it slowly deeper. Breaking his weakly fluttering heart and snapping his mortal coil. It only took a few minutes longer for her to arrive at the cabin. Within it, Quinn would be able to hear the sound of footsteps lightly tapping across the rooftop. It was an intentional giveaway to mark her presence there, it had always been her favorite perch when visiting this cabin, so she comfortably sat upon the rooftop and swept the hood from atop her head. Crossing one leg over the other, she patiently waited just like Quinn for her other siblings to arrive.