Character Sheet: Name: Miguel Ordornio Gender: Male Age: 32 Appearance: [img][/img] Medical Ailments: None Nationality: Filipino American Occupation: Former Filipino Soldier, Latest Occupation SWAT Four Week History: Before all hell broke loose in Washington DC, there was a reunion. A reunion between friends and partners. All veterans of the war in Mindinao. Former soldiers meeting in an old warehouse, drinking booze and playing poker. Sharing old war stories and how current occupation in the current police force was getting boring. Jokes were made and fun was had. Miguel awoke in his apartment a day later. By then his brain was aching and the ringing in his ears couldn't stop. He opened the curtains and revealed the chaos. It was quite the sight to see. Decaying human corpses ip eating people alive isn't the thing you see everyday. So of course Miguel reacted how any human being would. He vomited. After a few hours of just being depressed, vomiting and moping around, Miguel got his act together. Arming himself with his SWAT gear (he is quite a paranoid man) and his trusty Beretta 92 and his CAR-15 Carbine he smuggled last night to shoot beer cans. His first scuffle with the shamblers went very well in all honesty. He shot them all with his Beretta. Quite anticlimactic but Miguel wasn't aiming to fail and get eaten by real life zombies. Since then, the four weeks were quite the blur. It included herpes, hookers, guns, getting run over, cocaine, meth, Mary Jane, shotguns and obvious decaying flesh. It was quite the fun. Walking around aimlessly and running like a headless chicken whenever you see the horde. He found a camp in a gymnasium and who would've thought, some assholes barged in his camp! It was kinda bullshit! Of course, Miguel didn't notice and just kept cleaning his Carbine, uncaring of the outside. He's not the smartest of fellows, but he did get a PHD for.... what was it? Nuclear Physics or something? I dunno. And then BAM! We're here. Items of Interest: Carries everything in this [url=]Backpack[/url] Food -4 bottles of 500ml (full) (1/2 kilogram) -1 can of Canned Beef (1/4 kilogram) -2 cans of Canned Peacked (1/4 kilogram) Miscellaneous -Divers Watch -Compass -Poster of Australian Exotic Dancer -HB Pencil -T-shirt with words "SWEGGITY SWEG" on it Weapons: -CAR-15 Carbine (2.72 kilograms) -Beretta 92 (950 grams) -Police Baton