[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/AG8fbLu.png[/img] [i][b]Inhumanus Historia[/b][/i] [b][1900 - 2100 (Human Designation)][/b] Extract 46 [i]Primitus Mensis, 1910 (Human Designation). First detailing of physical interaction between Inhuman and human. Located in a small village south of the Himalayas. A tumultuous panic erupts when the first sighting of a man with tendrils protruding from his body is reported. The villagers rally and attack him with makeshift weapons. The man fails at communication and acts in self-defence, sweeping away the humans repeatedly. They do not cease, and eventually the peaceful Inhuman's life is threatened. A minute later, thirty-six humans lie dead in the middle of the village.[/i][/center] The council dispersed through the single opening at the far edge of the chamber, leaving only Karnak, Gorgon and Mander standing at the precipice of the table. An unpleasant tension ran between the three, one that bid Mander to leave with the utmost haste. The pious priest knew of the disunity between Karnak and Gorgon, and perhaps he had forced them together to cause distress within his argumentative son, but nevertheless he knew that the two young Inhumans before him were the leading minds and bodies in their fields within the Great Refuge. Facing the society changing events involving the rogue group of Inhumans and the unknown dealings of King Maximus, the Order of Wisdom would need to employ the greatest assets they had. Mander held Karnak's disapproving gaze for a few more moments, and then proceeded out of the archway. When the old man was out of earshot, Gorgon smirked at the accurate combatant. "Guess I'll be heading up this one, cousin. In our amusing battle of power versus skill, seems I take this round thanks to your 'pa." Karnak narrowed his eyes sharply at the hair-covered brute. "You are [i]not[/i] my cousin. And the second you intend on giving me orders, you will find yourself without the deadliest force in Attilan to aid in this manhunt." Refusing to take part in the aggravating conversation any longer, Karnak swung his robe around in a flurry and headed towards the archway. "We might as well be related. After all, is Maximus' blood not shared between both of us?" "Curse your faltering intelligence, Gorgon." Karnak muttered under his breath as he rounded the corner before the glimmering steps. [center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/W7Gzyjm.png[/img] [/center] Falcona stepped softly along the greying pavement, neon lights reverberating through her mind and the overpowering bustle of the street and it's inhabitants shocking her at every interval. She wore clothes to blend in with the humans - a white dress with a large red rose residing in the middle and two black boots that climbed up to her thighs. These had been taken from a decimated target of Leonus. She clutched a large pink purse that was littered with prominent sparkles, the withering hand that held it not long before now lying dead on their refuge's floor - Leonus' doing. It contained some of the strange material that the humans lived by - money. It ostensibly ruled over them as a God, and yet they manipulated it constantly, with images of their rulers and each piece being passed around from one to another all the time. They used it as a trading device, which suggests it as a beneficiary, yet it seemed that they could not live without it. Falcona didn't understand this, but from the moderate education she had endured she had learned of the humans and the differences in their physiology and mentality to the superior Inhumans. It was indeed obvious of the Inhuman's superiority in both of these factors and many more. However, Falcona was inexplicably intrigued by the humans and their society. Despite their many mistakes, many of which continued to the present, the society they had formed was impressive to her, and she wished to study them personally and in-depth. That was one of the reasons she had left Attilan... She stopped suddenly on the pavement, causing rushing men and woman to respond in shock and frustration and skirt around her. She ignored them, and looked out towards the west. She was filled with sadness and some regret, for her friends and family in the Refuge, those she had left behind. Still, the reasons for her and the other's departure were more important. [i]One motivation to share[/i], she thought, [i]and personal ones for each of us[/i]. Falcona shook herself out of her pondering state and focused on the task at hand. The others had outright laughed at her plan, especially Leonus and Timberia. Stallior, the one whom she shared the most ideals with, also disagreed - saying it was too dangerous. Nebulo had no response, as usual, though she wasn't sure if he was actually in the room at the time or not. Falcona spotted what she was looking for and strode towards it, her brain activity rising. With this, a group of pigeons that sat on the first floor balcony of a hotel erratically surged out of their resting positions and barrelled toward the market store. Falcona noticed their behaviour and calmed herself expertly. She then turned to the avians and reverted them back to their normal state. They hung in the air for a second and then flew away from her as quickly as they had approached. [i]Keep yourself under control[/i], she lectured to herself. One human who was not too busy to notice anything around them was eyeing her intently. Falcona sensed the curiosity in his aura, likely due to the display she had foolishly allowed to happen, though there was something else in his eyes... something she did not recognise. He was sat slumped against an old brick wall, a brown rectangle of material to his left and an empty container to his right. People seemed to keep their distance to him intentionally. He awkwardly climbed to his feet, a strange hunger in his eyes. Falcona turned away, partly confused, and entered the store.