Alexandre, a centuries old barely human beast who had lived through violent era after violent era, sat nervously waiting, fearful of the job interview that would surely begin soon. His folded up wings twitched anxiously under the heavy jacket that concealed them as he glanced at the clock for what seemed like the hundredth time. He wasn't sure what had attracted him to the art gallery in the first place, or even why he chose to try and get a job as a security guard of all things. Perhaps it was part of his nature, if things like him even had a certain nature to begin with. The lobby of the gallery was quiet, but not empty. Some people meandered by Alex and the bench he was sitting on, often giving him a second curious glance or purposefully avoiding eye contact altogether. It was his face. He could conceal his wings and his feet but he couldn't hide his face. It didn't bother him all that much, though. After ninety-four years of living amongst humans, Alexandre had gotten used to it. He shifted in his seat again, lifting his backpack up to his lap. A nearby door labeled 'Employees Only' flew open with a bang as a gruff older man stepped out of it. The man looked around the lobby impatiently, quickly spotting Alexandre and approaching him. As Alex stood up to greet him, the man sized him up, eyes traveling from feet to head quizzically. After a moment, the man stuck his hand out to shake and asked, “Alex, right? You're here for the security guard position?” “That's right.” Alex said, shaking the man's hand with pent up energy. “Got it, I'm Jim. Well, we could certainly use an extra pair of...” The older man's brow furrowed at Alex's handshake. He looked down at the appendage and muttered an end to his sentence. “...hands.” “Birth defect.” Alexandre half-explained and half-lied, releasing his grip. “Got it in the feet, too.” They both looked down at his shoes, which were too long and too wide. In truth, they hid his monstrous feet which would never look normal no matter how often he filed down the claw-like nails. The extra claw coming out of the back of his heel was great for balancing, but not so great for normalcy. “I always have to get shoes special ordered.” “Oh, okay, gotcha.” Jim laughed, sounding relieved. “I thought you worked part time as a clown, or something.” He motioned for Alex to follow him as he started walking towards the employee door, no doubt leading him to an office where they could speak in private. “And wore the shoes to a job interview?” Alex questioned, following the man obediently. “Hey, you'd be surprised. Sometimes I feel like they've got me running a circus, or at least the freak show. I swear I've got a few narcoleptics on the roster.” Jim complained, opening the door for Alex before stepping through himself. “Well, I don't think I would've made a good clown anyway.” Alexandre said, trying to fill the empty air with useless words. Jim snorted in agreement before they reached another door. Inside was a brightly lit but unsightly office, with a desk covered in loose papers, one of which Alex recognized as his application. “Take a seat then, Alex.” Jim said, gesturing to a thin office chair across from the desk. Self conscious, the man started half-heartedly moving some of the papers around in an attempt to clear up the desk. “Sorry 'bout the mess.” “It's no problem.” Alexandre assured, sitting down carefully in the small chair, not wanting to strain it with his bulk. “Okay then, now, here's the thing.” Jim sat down at last, moving the job application to the center of the desk. “Your paperwork here is a bit...funky.” “Funky.” Alex stated rather than asked. He knew perfectly well there were problems with it. “Yeah, I mean,” He tapped the paper with his pen, pointing to each issue. “I mean, no social security number, no references to speak of, not even an address, and I can barely read your surname here...” Jim squinted at the scribble. “It's Babineaux.” Alexandre swallowed uncomfortably, his mouth dry at the sound of Lucrèce's name. Perhaps he shouldn't have used it and made one up instead. Jim shook his head disbelievingly. “Look, I gotta say, if we had more applications than this, then I woulda threw this one out the second I saw it. But yours is the only one to come by to be honest, so I'm grasping at straws here. I just need an explanation, is all. I mean, why no social security number? And what's with the backpack? “ Jim gestured at the bag next to Alex, which sat on the floor like an elephant in the room. “You're too old to be a student.” “I'm not a student, it's just that...” Alex wracked his brain for an explanation. “Looks pretty heavy.” Jim said frankly, leaning over his desk to get a better look at it. “Well, to be honest, I keep everything I am in that bag.” “What, you mean...homeless?” Jim asked, arching an eyebrow. “For now. Until I can get some money.” Alexandre said confidently, even though he was making this up as he went along. “...And the social security number?” Jim asked slowly. Before Alex could muster up an excuse, Jim provided one for him. “Oh...I get it. You don't like the system, do ya? Avoiding Big Brother?” Alexandre laughed, but tried not to show too many of his teeth. “Yep. You got it. We have rights, you know?” Jim nodded, satisfied and proud of his deductive abilities. “That we do. Well, it's a bit fishy but we're really short handed right now. I wouldn't normally do this...” he scratched his head as Alex listened in anticipation. “ it's gonna take some doin' to pay you when you don't have a number and all. Might take some explaining to the boss...or lack of explaining, more like...” “So...” Alex started, clenching his hands anxiously. “I guess what I'm saying is...” Jim began, thinking carefully. Then he looked up at Alexandre and asked, “...when can ya start?” Alex stood up quickly in excitement and shook Jim's hand again enthusiastically. “Whenever you like.” “Day after tomorrow. Hell, come on in sometime tomorrow anyway and I'll show you around the place, let you meet some of the folks.” Jim grinned, though he was visibly disturbed by the gargoyle's touch again. Alexandre nodded in understanding as his new boss showed him out. Once he left the building and was greeted by the cooling air, Alexandre took a deep breath and slipped his bag onto his shoulders. People walked by him like they always did, and nothing looked different, but to him it felt like a new world. It was time to feel normal again.