At the arrival of an excited Kanako, Touji turned around, his arms filled with snacks and whatnot that he gathered while she was in the weapon's demonstration. [color=6ecff6]"Oh, you becoming an enforcer? Sounds dangerous."[/color] Taking a sandwich and eating it whole in a single bite, he continued on speaking after that. [color=6ecff6]"Are you sure a dimwit like you can hold a gun well enough? It'd be a tragedy if you dropped your gund because of your ability."[/color] Of course, while he sounded rude and carefree, he was just expressing his worry, twisted as it may be, though, to be honest, it was worry for everyone around her and she herself. Still, the next thing he saw, was Kanako happily sending mails to other people in her phone. Munching on some kind of bread enxt, Touji peeked over to see what she was writing. [color=6ecff6]"You dragging other people into your craziness too? Enforcers should start giving away safety vests with you around."[/color] Giggling slightly, Touji finally thought it'd be just common courtesy oferring something to Kanako. Maybe having something in her stomach might make her think somewhat clearer. [color=6ecff6]"Want some? I can get plenty more later."[/color] He showed Kanako his whole assortment of food, so she could pick something. [color=6ecff6]"So, what next? Do we skip class again or something? Regardless, I need some serious sleep."[/color]