It was afraid. Mithias saw the characteristic expression of fear, followed up by a very effective and desperate attempt to escape. This being was unbelievably powerful, destructive, and unable to be reasoned with. Wherever it was headed, it was undoubtedly going to reshape reality there in ways that shouldn't be done. No justice, no God, no ultimate power governed its actions or its will. The thing had to be stopped, and the only way to do that was to kill it. Mithias-Tsukune was the only one who had the chance right now. The vampire gasped at the level of power Shiva used to distance itself as it was happening, yet somehow he knew there was a way to catch up to him. Aono's soul was present and aware, and seemed to understand things that Mithias had never realized before. His body quickly turned all black, and he lifted the sword vertically in front of himself, placing the back of his left hand across the back edge of the blade. Using an advanced technique, the body of Mithias became one with the dimension sword. Instantly, they vanished, exiting the dimension itself to close the gap with Shiva. In the same instant, as if there had been no space at all between them, Mithias slashed at the daemon's body, cutting deep, wounding it to its immortal soul. As the deity cried out in pain and shock, the vampire prepared a final blow. The pure white light of hope burst forth like a star as the orb came out of Mithias' body. The essence of hope, the soul of the universe of Hell's Coffee Lounge, concentrated and given physical form in existence... this, he placed inside the emotion-powered hammer of Teo, and slammed Shiva with it.