My thanks to the four who participated! Just a quick run-down this time since I'm newly back from travelling. NarayanK, I'm afraid you did not hold up to your previous standards in this competition. The look you provided into Sangue's 'opposite day' was pretty limited; all three of the other characters had the same trait swapped (chibi-ization), I couldn't tell what Sangue's was if any, and the whole premise struck me more as strange than funny. It was difficult for me to select the runner-up this time, but in the end, I decided that I preferred the humor of [b]Guess Who[/b] -even if he did kill my character- to the drastic seriousness of PrinceOfSeraph's entry. Don't be fooled, PoS, your entry was fantastic, and made an intriguing story in its own right, and you did well with the traits, but the hammer of "super-subjective-ism" is coming down on you this time. Perhaps you could let me know in the main thread what Abel's swapped trait was; I'm guessing from what others said, it's that in the alternate reality he has a sense of humor. And finally, that leaves the winner's pot of [b]two credits[/b] to [b]Forsythe[/b]. You managed to not only do pretty much exactly what I asked traits-wise, but you did it multiple times, and the whole thing ended up being a story with some serious bits but also some humor. If HOB were a TV show, then your Opposite Day would have been the perfect filler episode, which was what this was all about. Good work, folks. If nobody wants to be the next judge, I'll start up a new contest tonight. It's going to be a creation one.