Wel, that was a good nap. Unfortunately that meant the whole mission was boring, which means Nena won't be pleased. She always was a bit wilder without her brothers around in Reve's opinion. [color=fff79a] "Nena~" [/color]Reve hugged Nena from behind. [color=fff79a]"Lets just leave these people and go get do something fun, shall we?"[/color] Reve leaned in closer to Nena and whispered in her ears. [color=fff79a]"We only have to endure this until we find the rest of Celestial Beings. Then we can do whatever we like."[/color] To be honest, these people were starting to get on her nerves; what with all these people walking like they got sticks up their butts, with attitudes to match. It was not really surprising humans kill each other all the time, the barbaric creatures they were. In fact, she knew very little humans who were really nice, like that princess girl.