Mikhail was in the midst of rearranging all of his luggage on his back so he wouldn't drop a bag every ten seconds during the long trek that it was to his flat when his attention was grabbed by a rather odd sentence. The red haired boy turned only to be greeted by the sight of a girl a foot shorter than her. He stared at the girl in silence for a few moments as he had to replay the sentence again a few times in his head to get its meaning, he wasn't use to listening to German accents. [color=00a651][b]"Oh, you want to know where ya room is?"[/b][/color] He said before he scratched his chin and looked over his shoulder back at the city. [color=00a651][b]"Yeah I suppose I could point ya in the right direction. Do you have an address or anything already lass?[/b][/color] He asked hoping that this would go smoothly, though knowing his own luck Mikhail doubted that.