[color=6ecff6]"Are you sure a dimwit like you can hold a gun well enough?" [/color]Touji said. [color=6ecff6]"It'd be a tragedy if you dropped your gun because of your ability."[/color] Kanako giggled. [color=f49ac2]"Aw, are you [i]worried[/i] about me?"[/color] she cooed. [color=f49ac2]"I'll be fine! I'm going to learn how to get super awesome with the gun!"[/color] [color=6ecff6]"You dragging other people into your craziness too? Enforcers should start giving away safety vests with you around,"[/color] Touji said, upon seeing her texting. Well, Kanako was, in fact, doing just that. When Touji offered, she happily accepted a box of Pocky, which she tucked into her pocket. Taro had just texted her! And, hey, the idea of him becoming an enforcer too... that was pretty cool! She hurriedly texted him back, and then put her phone away. It [i]was[/i] kind of rude to text someone else while talking to Touji. [quote=Kanako] [b]TO: Taro from the Grocery Store \(@o@)/ SUBJECT: Re:GUESS WHAT??? --------------------------[/b] [color=f49ac2]you wanna become an enforcer too???? woah!! wow, what will the boss do without us? [s]that was a joke you know he hates us both[/s] if you wanted to you could totally make it! the guy i talked to, he said that they were really short-handed!!! he said they'd probably be able to accept me, i mean!!![/color] [/quote] [color=f49ac2]"Ahhhhh," [/color]she hummed. [color=f49ac2]"If you're sleepy, you might as well skip! It's not like we're doing anything important on the first day, anyway. Or you could go home and sleep. Or something. You stayed up all night for Chiyo-chan, right? I have to meet that guy after classes, though, so I can't skip with you today..."[/color] She stretched, feeling rather pleased. She'd asked that guy to meet her in front of her classroom, so she'd better head back to classes. [color=f49ac2]"Well! I have to go back to class, I guess, but I'll text you later! And I'll tell you how it goes!"[/color] She started heading back to the classroom.