"Hmmm... Perhaps just wander which ever way the mood strikes us? After all, we've never been here before. That in itself should be memorable, no?" Leilah mused aloud to Zandrea, opening the door out of their dorm building. Immediately she began to scan for Syrax and found herself unable to locate him on the ground outside of the buildings. She wondered what might be keeping him, typically she hadn't known boys to take any extra time on anything like unpacking, picking rooms or getting ready. At least, that is, her cousins never had. Those were really the only boys she had had a lot of contact with... Only people, when she stopped to think about it. It was when she started to lift her gaze skyward that she finally noticed him. He was sitting atop the wall around the dorms. She moved to point him out to Zandrea if she hadn't already seen him, "I wonder what he's doing up there?"