It was going to be a night, the brunette with bright eyes thought as she applied her make up in the girl's bathroom. Her shoulder length locks were down and straight with a maroon and white ribbon pinned on the left side of her head. Ricki Trenton had to be ready for the game tonight, but after doing the stats for all the sports for the last four years, she knew that the Bears were going to have a hell of a time against the Panthers. Not to mention, on top of stats, she would be running around trying to get good shots for the yearbook. The blonde using the mirror beside Ricki had been there every step of the way. Her partner in crime, Krista Collins. "So, how's David feeling?" Krista inquired, her eyes watching as Ricki pulled on the white jersey with the number 84 printed across the back in maroon numbers. After looking herself over one last time, Ricki sighed. "They're playing the Panthers, in the play offs, with Romeo out on injury. He's stressed." Ricki answered and a tap came to the door of the girl's bathroom. A tall guy with black hair and broad shoulders opened the door. "Ricki?" The voice asked, and Ricki gave Krista's shoulder a squeeze before she exited the room. She stood before him, the 6'1" guy giving her a dazzling smile. "I thought you'd be in the locker room preparing your big pep talk." She teased, and he shook his head. "We'll get it. I know we can, even if Romeo is out." He spoke, confidently. "Just glad you actually put on my jersey tonight." "Well," she began, "you need all the luck you can get. Going out with a bang, and all." He nodded and she stood on her tip toes and kissed his cheek. "Now, better get down there before coach starts screaming at you." He gave her a kiss before he headed out, and Ricki reentered the bathroom, and looked herself over. Dark skinny jeans tucked into a pair of knee high black boots, and David's jersey with a bow in her hair. Krista was dressed similarly, but wearing another senior's jersey. "Better get out there." Krista grinned and she watched as Ricki brought up her camera bag and slung it over her shoulder. "Yeah, let's." Ricki said. And she and Krista exited the bathroom, and headed down to the field. -- It was nearing half time, something that Ricki was definitely looking forward to. She had Andrea on getting pictures of the cheerleaders during their half time routine, and it was hard to write down the stats.during half time when the game wasn't going, but still, they had three minutes left in the second quarter and the Panthers were leading 14 to 6. Ricki tossed a look to Krista as another flag got thrown. Number 18, junior player Erik Pierce, was holding. "At least we're a second half team." Krista stated as Ricki recorded the flag in her book. "Yeah, but with Romeo out, and not knowing if Gerard will be good for the second half, we are screwed. And David's feeling it. He should have been making perfect passes, and the only time he doesn't is.under pressure like this." She pointed out as she and Krista watched the game with a certain vigilance. Ricki had her camera resting around her neck, and she saw the play and she quickly gathered it up, scanning for a good shot. She didn't have enough in play shots for the Bears defensive line, and virtually no shots of their passing. She had plenty of Romeo running the ball, and she had quite a few of their offensive line, but she needed a few more good defensive line shots and at least one for passes. Click. She snapped the photo the second play got heated and she saw Krista writing in her book as she brought her camera.down and look at the picture. Perfect, right as the lines we're colliding. She placed her camera down and began writing down the stats that followed the ending of the play. "So, are you ready for hockey season? Dubois got us better stat books than last year." Krista said as the players came in for a time out, and both Ricki and Krista tallied it off. "I'm very ready for hockey season. Even if I have to drive us to the away games. We travel further, and on top of it all, the sophomore I tutor in English says that they have some hard.practices. So it looks like it should be a better season than last year." Ricki said, and as the game went back from the time out, she and Krista silenced. The time ran out fast, but at least the Bears managed a field goal and brought the score to 14-9. Ricki and Krista both stood, and made their way towards the concession stand as the cheerleaders began their half time show. "So, are we still on for tonight?" Krista asked. "God, yes, my parents are gone, and I [I]hate[/I] being home alone." Ricki said, and soon Ricki felt someone push her and she knocked into someone just before she hit the ground. None other than Jared Landry. "I am so sorry." She apologized, standing up and dusting herself off before she saw Krista laughing and the girl who had come up was laughing too. "Shit, Rick, sorry! I didn't mean to knock you down." The caramel skinned girl said. "But who are your friends here?" Ricki chuckled too, "Oh you mean the people you made me Oh so gracefully fall into. Jared Landry and Carl Littlejohn." Krista looked to Ricki, "You really do know everyone, doesn't she Maureen?" "She's the lead headhunter for the year book committee, whaddya expect?" She answered, and soon Maureen guided them both to fully face Carl and Jared. "Excuse my manners, I'm Maureen Thomas, I'm sure you heard my beautiful voice singing the National Anthem earlier. These two beauties here are my girls, Krista and Ricki. Krista is our all state track star, and Pretty Ricki over here knows everyone in some way or another." "Please forgive, Maureen, guys, she's a little [I]out there[/I]." Krista said, and Ricki laughed as Maureen just continued. "Anyway, before I was so rudely interrupted, how the Fuck are you guys?" She asked, and before they could answer she continued. "Now, you two better be coming down to Pretty Ricki's house after. Win or lose, all of us seniors are getting drunk. Whether it be because we are heading to state or if we're celebrating a hell of a season." "Most likely the latter, but it'd be good to have some more company. And unlike Maureen makes It sound, there is more than just alcohol." Ricki said, elbowing the girl in the side. "But, I hate to drop an invite and leave, but I am starved, and I am not waiting any longer." Ricki grabbed Krista's hand and soon the two were the concession stand, waiting in line. "Don't know how David is going to react to that." Krista gave a sigh. "Why? He normally wants to invite everyone and their mother." "He and Jared got off.on the wrong foot I guess. Jared is actually a real laid back guy, but you know how David is." Ricki said, and Krista shot her a look. "I have first period English with him." "And you are judging with your artistic eye?" She asked, and Ricki rolled her eyes. "How.often have I been right in the end?" She.pointed out as she and Krista got their food and drinks and began heading back down towards their spot on the benches. Krista seemed a bit ruffled, but soon they were passing Maureen and the boys again. "So, boys... are you coming?" Krista asked, batting her eye lashes, and Maureen followed suite before Ricki sighed. "Just um... text me or something if you need directions." She said, pulling Krista's pen from behind her ear and writing down her phone number on a napkin before she to Jared. "Krista and I would love to stay, but our presence is required down on the bench." She gave a smile before she and Krista got back down to the field. Now, for the second.half.