[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/ngb1xfU.png[/img][/center] Dani had been in her personal cell, cross-legged on her bunk, with the dark text that had been the origin point of all her troubles when her earpiece crackled, and a tinny voice shouted about a HYDRA attack on the SHIELD Helicarrier. She'd panicked slightly before turning and craning her neck upwards to look through the porthole-style window she'd explicitly requested to be installed, and seeing - with a little more angling of her head - that the sun was still high in the sky. Somewhere inside her, near her lower left ribs it felt like, Zarathos chuckled, a bubbly, malicious forced laugh. It wasn't time. Not yet. She still had some hours before hiding became truly necessary. Though that fact didn't stop her from wrenching the book off her legs - something she'd done many times, though the tome never seemed the worse for wear - and nearly scrambling into the corner of her cell, assuming a different cross-legged stance with her hands frantically running through her sheared hair, calming herself and preparing to do her best to ignore the sounds of fighting that were soon to echo through the corridors of the Helicarrier, and hoping that the fields - both energy and magical - that secured her cell would hold the HYDRA soldiers out sufficiently. Eyes squeezed shut, she opened one to peek at the two buttons and a switch on the wall of her cell - how she opened the fields from the inside. Fury had insisted that simple heat-detection tech was enough to prevent her opening it as Ghost Rider, should she change inside her cell for whatever terrible reason, but Doctor Strange had simply said 'hmmm' and then placed protective wards over them as well, preventing the demonic energies of Zarathos to touch them. Dani relied on the latter rather than the former. It didn't last long. The quiet. There was a moment of stillness as the entire staff paused to mentally prepare, and then they mobilized. A klaxon sounded somewhere and Dani winced at the sound and the associations it brought, and then the pounding of footsteps and shouts of orders came through, muffled behind layers of metal and machinery, indistinct yells failing to take form as words. An dull [i]boom[/i] rocked the ship as, presumably, the HYDRA agents breached the Helicarrier, and Dani held her breath. Oh man, she did not want to be here. She jumped as her earpiece crackled again and she stood up quickly, smacking her knee on the corner of her bunk as she did so, and scrambled to pick it up and put it on as a voice came through issuing orders. Cap's voice - or at least the Cap of her team. Bucky. "[i]Hulkling, and Wiccan, help Maria on the deck. A clean sweep. Ben and Dani, handle the engines. If those fail, we all die.[/i]" No pressure then. Dani approached the field that replaced the fourth wall of her cell and angled herself to look down both ends of the corridor. Empty, and any sounds of stamping soldier boots were a fair way off. Safe, then. Ish. Not that it mattered so much for her survival - she found that even without Zarathos completely taking over, it still made sure she was plenty tough to kill - but surviving didn't matter if she was captured and held, she wouldn't be able to help the team. And she didn't want to think about what would happen if HYDRA held her after sundown. Best not to think about it. Instead, she stepped away from the field and toward the buttons, flipping the switch and waiting for a light above it to turn green before pressing and holding both down buttons. The light blinked for a few seconds, and then turned amber, necessitating another flip of the switch before it went red and the field came down. Runic marks that lined the frame of the field emitter glimmered for a split second before dulling again. The protective wards dissipated as well, and Dani took one cool breath and a body-wide shudder before stepping out and turning right toward the main access shafts of the ship. She reached the engine room before Ben did, and hoped HYDRA agents wouldn't do the same.