[hider=Walls & Walls of text][b]Deus: Classroom 1[/b] [color=darkslateblue]"Healing huh, that can be support of some kind. My Abilities are quite different from yours, I can control My Aura or the Life-Force of people around me, although i can only use the Life-Force thing when my life is in danger. By cotrolling Auras I can fly, Do something like A Kamehameha Wave from that anime series, and do all other sort of stuff. I can also summon objects at a Divine Level, but I am currently limited to Weapons and Tools. I can also create any abiltt but am currently restricted to Fire Manipulation, Wind Manipulation, Water Manipulation, and Space-Time Manipulation, but am currently limited to one ability, which is Negating anything that has happened in this world, there are two downsides to this, the first one is that I can only use it once a day, and the second one is that I have to see what happened. I am also a Master Martial Artist in the Shaolin Art."[/color] Deus looked at Cornelia, then at Marcus and then at Elizabeth. He looked at his hand, where he held the anti-sound invisibility caster. He activated it, making them appear in a different space. The people in the classroom would not be able to find them. Time was still inside this bubble, meaning that once they went back only 5 minutes would have gone by. [color=darkslateblue]"Now, for the other part, I had to bring you here because I don't want anyone to discover my Trump Card, They might have seen the sword and it's abilities, but they don't know about V2 Kusanagi."[/color] Deus began chanting some words in Latin, as Dark Flames began to envelop his hands and began to take the shape of a blade. [color=blue]"This is Kusanagi V2, Marcus, you already saw Kusanagi in our Training Match but, this is a different Kusanagi."[/color] The sword began to emit a Light & Dark Aura, It was also a wooden sword now, with a streak of black. [color=blue]"This V2 Kusanagi is new and Improved, once the speed on the sword surpasses 100mph it wil transform into a steel edge sword, which is stronger than it's current form.[/color] He made Kusanagi disappear and the small Timeless Dimension as well. [b]Cornelia: Classroom[/b] Cornelia was amazed at Deus's newfound abilities, that it made her blood rush to her head. [i]'He Has improved over the Years, This kill, I shall enjoy!'[/i] A grin appeared on her face when she realized that it was her turn to talk about her abilities. [color=firebrick]"Okayy....My Ability is the power of Subjective Reality, Now this is a Hard one to explain, I can Manipulate the Boundrary between Fantasy and Reality, I can use all of it's abilities, But for a short period of time. I also have Enhanced Senses, and wield the Demon Blade Muramasa. That's about it."[/color] [@Slendy] [@Dash375][/hider]