...I'd just like to say that my knowledge of actually military tactics/terms/professions/ect. is kinda limited. :x I hope that doesn’t mean Im in the wrong place. I mean, im not ignorant of it, i just need to google most of your acronyms. xD So yeah, if you read something and are just like ‘bitch has no idea what shes doing,’ just let me know. [b]Name:[/b] Celeste 'Doc' Ruthold [b]Age:[/b] 28 [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Daily Reference]'Cept, you know, not dirty. [img=http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/165/9/0/tomb_raider__sarah_connor_like_stock_1_by_tigersgirl-d68qojr.jpg][/hider] [hider=Combat Attire][img=http://th01.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2013/267/e/2/female_universal_soldier_stock_i_by_phelandavion-d6npm66.jpg][/hider] [B]Personality:[/b] Celeste is a caring woman, which probably fueled her desire to study medicine. She is often a carefree, warm person, who always has an ear open to the stresses and hardships of life in the military. She is not judgmental, and views life with eyes wide open, accepting and congenial to all she encounters - except enemies. She is not weak, or innocent, and should not be expected or treated as such. The one thing that can get on her nerves is the denial of her ability or experience, but rarely will she get angry. She just does her best to prove the accusation wrong. However, there are instances where she is inexperienced, especially those dealing with politics. Her experience is quite... specific, and although she likes to think she is prepared for this life, she is not afraid of asking for help or advice. At times, she can be seen staring off into the distant at painful memories, and though she’ll talk of them freely, she dislikes to dwell on them. She has mourned her losses already - the past should stay in the past. [b]History: [/b] Celeste was born to a lower class family in rural America, and has had financial troubles since her youth. Her family was close, just the three of them against a harsh and unforgiving world, but they found solace in each other. She was very much loved, and happy, despite the occasional rumbling belly. Her childhood and adolescence passed without serious marring. When she was a young woman, Celeste found her purpose in helping others, and her analytical mind called for a daring profession. She had always wanted to study medicine, and at this time her dream was to become a trauma doctor, to see all of the ways people managed to harm themselves and bring them back from the brink of life. Her parents, although frightful of their ability to send her, encouraged her to follow that path and go to medical school. But Celeste, ever considerate, knew her parents couldn't afford it. Her only option, as she saw it, was to go into the military; specifically, the air force. Although not particularly set for such a profession, Celeste eventually fell into the position with an unexpected grace. She served two tours in Afghanistan without any specific incident, although the missions were not specifically difficult or clandestine. It wasn’t until she was stationed in Egypt that she gained renown. Deployed to a health center along the border for Egyptian soldiers while the civil war was at its height, Celeste was met daily with gruesome injuries and mangled bodies from the relentless and ruthless tactics employed in the area. The clinic (it was actually a base, but the only notable part about it was the clinic), due in small part to Celeste’s notable skill and steady hands, grew exponentially, becoming a beacon to the friendly forces in the area. It grew in popularity as well, which was eventually its downfall. Hearing of the respite, enemy forces took the clinic under siege. Most of the workers, including maintenance personnel, nurses, doctors, physicians, psychiatrists, and combat medics within its wall were either savagely beaten to death, or kept under siege in the clinic. Due to its location, un-strategically placed far from major civilization, the clinic was kept under enemy control for 18 months. During this time, the employees and volunteers stuck there were forced to treat the soldiers in all ways, and were often beaten, raped, or starved to reinforce submission. By the tenth month of subversion, most of the original workers were dead or worse. Celeste managed to stay in their good graces with her skill alone (though they used her for many things). Celeste became the leader of the remaining civilians, but only because by that time she was the only person with such experience left. She managed to care for the remaining 17 survivors with the miniscule provisions the hostages were provided. It wasn’t until the territorial lines were changes and pushed that friendly forces finally took back the base, only managing to be successful because of an organized riot within its walls. Celeste was not awarded much past a flight home, and the only things that stuck with her was the reputation she gained amongst enemy lines: that of a resourceful savior, bringing men back from the edge of death with the most infinitesimal resources. She spent much time out of active service after that, living on different bases and moving around the country, unable to settle or bring herself to go back into the fight. But the call of the front lines were strong, and Celeste was offered a place in the Blaze Unit after expressing desire to return to combat for the fact that she can keep men alive in just about any situation. [b]Special Talents or Skills:[/b] Celeste has an impressive knowledge for the workings of the human body, and has a knack for caring for such with little more than her hands and some gauze. She has been seen performing minor surgery on the battlefield if the life of a soldier hangs in the balance, and can tie a tourniquet faster than any other medic she has encountered. Her knowledge does extend to herbal and holistic medicine, but she prefers to work with western advances. She can shoot well, but not exceptionally so, and holds little knowledge in mechanics, engineering, and culture, but she is not ignorant. [b]Personal Weapons & Equipment:[/b] [hider=Weapon Loadout] AR Class 4 Sub Machine Gun [img=http://www.colt.com/DesktopModules/Bring2mind/DMX/Download.aspx?EntryId=23&PortalId=0&DownloadMethod=attachment] .45 Trishot Revolver [img=http://www.geekologie.com/2012/05/09/tribarrel-pistol-2.jpg] She also carries a 6 inch combat knife on her right hip.[/hider] Other than weapons, the most prevalent thing on Celeste’s person is her [url=http://cheaperthandirt.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/MHR316.jpg]medical kit.[/url] It holds just about all one could think of for combat medical attention, including but not limited to the following list. Materials: Gauze of varying sizes, medical tape, syringes, hemostats, forceps, scalpels, scissors, cotton balls and sponges, catheters, an inhaler, cold and hot packs, stents and ace bandages(both wide and narrow), tweezers, thermometer, safety pins, latex gloves, moleskin Medicines: Penicillin and other antibiotic ointments, smelling salts, anti-itch creams, iodine solutions and hydrogen peroxide, antihistamines, decongestants and expectorants, painkillers (nsaids mostly, but also small amounts of opiates), burn cream, and mild sedatives, sodium bicarbonate and other digestive soothers And she carries a multi-tool. [b]Personal Theme:[/b] Erm… Hold on I'll find one