Meh. we'll try to pick favorites even if no single favorite pops out. [quote]Add notification support to subscription system.[/quote] Useful, but not essential yet. Not everyone would want to be notified about new posts in their subscribed topics. If implemented, would be best if it has a disable non-mention notifications option. [quote]Add email notification opt-in.[/quote] Also useful, but not really critical. [quote]Add album/image management system. I really want people to be able to upload their images to the Guild instead of depending on 3rd party hotlinking. It sucks to visit old threads to find out all of the hotlinked images are lost. Ideally every image on the Guild will be served by the Guild's servers.[/quote] Not something we'd personally need, but might be useful for others. [quote]Implement visitor messages[/quote] Not something we'd personally need, but might be useful for others. [quote]Implement a basic chat system. This would be a fun feature for me for when I need a break from hard problems, and it's a precursor to the Etherpad system since it gives me more experience with websocket tech. It's also just a good way to build friendships, meet people, and I've never tried catering to any chat-based roleplaying subcommunities before.[/quote] Complex, but might be beneficial. Might certainly remove the current issue of a few rare people using status system to chat. [quote]Unread post tracker. Lots of stuff can be built on top of such a system. Even small conveniences like "Go to last unread post".[/quote] Very useful. We like this idea. Would save a lot of thinking. [quote]Better pagination. Better navigation tools in general.[/quote] Not critical. Useful, though. [quote]Finish mobile/tablet support. It hurts me that portable-device users have to zoom scroll zoom scroll, but man this is a hard feature. I chip away at it a lil more every week.[/quote] Works well on tablets currently (at least on ours), but might be harder on smaller devices like phones. Thus not one we'd personally prefer focus upon. But useful for all those accessing with phones. [quote]Build the search+filter system for roleplays and checks including the ability to sort by any parameter (like show the newest roleplays first).[/quote] Filter search and RP parameter search would be very useful for those not full up on RPs. This belongs high on some list. [quote]Mature/adult opt-in system that helps these players find each other.[/quote] Caters a certain crowd. Might work even better if implemented after the tag system is upgraded to handle tag-specific browsing. [quote]Post/PM autosave/draft system. The UX right now when you get a validation error upon post/topic creation is absolutely horrendous.[/quote] Useful, but not essential yet. For safety, we type complex RP post on google docs. [quote]Allow people to delete/leave/archive private convos.[/quote] This is a common favorite with people. Not a critical feature to get (due to there being no small limit on total convo count), but very convenient. [quote]Dice system.[/quote] Caters a specific section of the guild audience. Very useful for them, but not key to others. Would bring extra activity to tabletop if designed right. So, that cuts the list down to six major candidates. Of those, one appears to be tough work (mobile support), two cater specific sections of the community (mature-focused RPs and tabletop). Cutting away those, leaves three that affect the whole community rather than just a sector of it: PM archive/depart/join/delete. Unread Post tracking. Search system for tags and browsing by said tags. We personally think most of the features above would at minimum be useful, but we tried to be more or less objective in the statements about each. We expect others would set different priorities, though. hmm... on the thought of tag-specific browsing. We had (another) crazy idea... Would it be a feasible feature to hide (from a profile setting) all RPs with a certain tag? say if you hate Anime or Romance and would not want to take part in any such RP, would it be possible to have a feature to auto-hide such topics from your own sight? Or is that more work to code than it would be worth?