[center][img]http://c3e308.medialib.glogster.com/vampirecasey/media/8d/8d9b6142eeca1bcf565f9ddc4358b5b0d87b002e/tumblr-m9jjmvjvmb1r3938lo2-500.jpg[/img][/center] A new dawn, but... what will come of it? [center][h1] - [/h1][/center] Heeeeeyo! Yet another RWBY RP, right? ...Maybe. We'll see. It may end up being less RWBY than you think. It just depends on what we want to do as a group. First, here's a quick check of what I'm looking for. [center][h1] - [/h1][/center] [i]- Roughly 4-6 players. ('Teams' are negotiable depending on what we get.) - Casual. High or Low doesn't really matter to me. I want to see relatively good grammar and a noticeable caution with words. I like to see nice, clean CSs and other such things. I guess that's just me. (I am not perfect with grammar, nor do I expect you to be, I just would like to be able to understand you.) - At least [b]ONE[/b] post per week. I'm not asking for tons of posts each day, though more is always welcome, but just know that I personally, may not be able to post but once a week.[/i] [center][h1] - [/h1][/center] ALRIGHT! Let's move on to better things like.. the world and... plot! :D (I will go ahead and say that I have no plot currently. Whatever I put below this is simply me filling up space to try and start something. -shrugs-) Now, I don't want your standard RWBY RP. I haven't finished the series, [insert salutation to Mr. Oum here], but I do like the concept. Now, I don't want to USE the world from the series. I dislike using canon things and avoid them where I can. I prefer more original ideas, as original as I can get anyway. So, the world will be very similar, but different in the same regard. - Monsters will exist, but I may give them different names and classifications. - Schools may exist but they may be run by different people and teach completely different things. Now, I'm not a huge fan of school RPs simply because I've had too many experiences with them coming to a halt. Now if we would prefer a more academy type of setting, I'm open to that, but I prefer RPing a more 'in the field' type experience. [center][h1] - [/h1][/center] One idea would be to RP the RWBY universe in it's beginning stages, when monsters are just starting to get agitated and... dark. Our character would be the first to fight these sort of characters. Our powers would be very unstable and we wouldn't really know what to do with 'dust.' [center][h1] - [/h1][/center] Another idea would be much later in the same timeline when things have changed. The monsters seem to be showing more and more human emotions. The humans seem to be becoming the monsters. A group forms to defend these monsters from the humans, having seen their potential for change. What will come of it? [center][h1] - [/h1][/center] Yet another idea would be a completely different universe where the students/hunters/etc hunt the monsters for resources. I.E., the world is powered by dust, it's energy source, but in order to obtain it, they must get it from it's source, the monsters. It just so happens that by doing so, they are saving towns from destruction along the way. They work for a company, gathering dust from these monsters. Our characters will encounter a few groups along the way, some that want to end the cruelty, others that want all of the dust for themselves. Bandits, activists, etc. This would also be a more apocalyptic world, much like this; [hider=image] [center][img]http://getlostblog.files.wordpress.com/2013/04/tumblr_mlb1jz5tuh1sor8q8o1_1280.jpg[/img][/center] [/hider] [center][h1] - [/h1][/center] So, I just wanted to get this up and see what kind of interest it would drum up.