So it was to be a duel, and not with the protectors but with the rather brusque members of the Emperor's samurai. It seems a nerve was struck, no doubt born from the jealousy spiraling through the air after her gentle, yet tender, lips made direct contact with the Princess' hand. How the dissenters [i]whished[/i] they could be so bold, so brazen, so full of confidence that they could risk committing a grave offense in the very home of the nobility. Nearby, a one armed warrior drew her blade and made threats bred from boredom. Noriaki gave a whistle as she spotted the size of the blade and how comfortable she looked wielding it. But then a tall woman with a ponytail caused Noriaki's eyebrows to raise. "You see? The woman in wraps adds credence to my claim. I've not so much as mentioned my name and she, clearly a fan and for good reason, has spoken it! If not for my claims, then she is a fan of my beauty, and I of hers, for a woman has much confidence in her appearance to wrap their torso in such a way - it invites the gaze while leaving enough to the imagination to desire to see more. While the pleasure of her name is not yet known to my tongue, she reveals my identity before I had the privilege so!" At this, Noriaki placed her hands on the hilts of her blades, leaning forward slightly, and knowingly using the sight of her cleavage as a potential distraction for her potential opponents. "But if it is a duel you desire, then you shall have it. But know that you face the great, the mighty, the undefeated, the beautiful, and the poetic, Noriaki Okamoto, she the student of the great samurai Mifune, master of nitoken. Hear my name and rethink your foolish thirst for battle, for I shall satiate it with my steel." In her introduction, she missed the arrival of two others, despite the loud introduction and the boisterous display. Noriaki was about to unsheathe her blades, the edge of her lips cracking slightly from nerves in spite of the smile she wore. And the the Princess spoke. Noriaki took her hands from the hilts and stood fully upright. She did not bow, instead she stared towards the one who instigated the nonsensical challenge in the first place. Gone was the subtle nervous tic, now her grin was full and boastful. "It seems that Her Highness has taken pity on her father's soldiers, and on you, my feisty friend, for she has deemed such a display as pointless. Fortunate for you, for I only duel to the death and it would be such a shame to strike down such faithful servants, and it would be an even bigger shame to send such a vision of absolute voluptuousness and red-hot passion to an early gave without first having the pleasure of knowing her company. I will be dreaming of you, my fire-headed rival, and I may only hope your dreams will be of myself. Anytime you desire a one on one spar, the door to my chambers is always unlocked." Noriaki placed two fingers to her lips and blew a kiss towards Kaede, giving the red headed warrior a wink and a smirk. And then she turned to the ponytailed woman, Asuka, and gave her a nod and a similar wink of approval.