After grabbing a box of pockys, Kanako decided to bail on him and go back to the classroom. He was partly suggesting that they skip together, but since she didn't seem to take the hint, or didn't want to do so, at the very least. [color=6ecff6]"Ehhh? C'mon, don't leave me alone. I'll die from loneliness like a rabbit if you leave me alone!"[/color] Touji hurried after Kanako. He wanted to sleep, but he wasn't about to be all alone like that. He didn't like being left alone for a lot of time. It got boring, having no one he could pester around. Or talk to for that matter. [color=6ecff6]"If you are so eager to go, then I'm going with you. Just to make sure you don't kill anyone, or yourself."[/color] Touji said, making up his mind to go with Kanako after school was done with. Well, at the very least, he had something to do now, for the rest of the evening. It was dangerous, yes, but it was something to do, contrary to what he would have done had he gone straight to his house. He had the day free from work, after all.