[color=f26522]Name:[/color] Arielle Lylvieve [color=f26522]Age:[/color] 30 [color=f26522]Gender:[/color] Female [color=f26522]Race:[/color] Breton [color=f26522]Physical Description[/color] [indent]Short and wiry, with pale skin and a sunburned face. Her hair is brown and curly and her eyes are green. She has the high cheekbones common for her people but looks otherwise like any other Nede.[/indent] [color=f26522]Skillset[/color] [indent][b]Adept Skills[/b] Alteration Conjuration Enchanting [b]Apprentice Skills[/b] Illusion Restoration [b]Novice Skills[/b] Alchemy Two-Handed (or whatever staves are classified as)[/indent] [color=f26522]History[/color] [indent]Arielle was born to noble parents of low station in the rural areas outside of Wayrest. Although her family was neither rich nor influential they were by no means poor and managed to secure a proper education and relatively happy childhood for her. Arielle, being the only child, was always told how special she was and how she was destined for more in this world. As such it was no surprise that she, fueled by her parents words and the lust for questing typical to Breton culture, decided to leave home at the tender age of 16 to seek her fate elsewhere. If there was one thing that fascinated the young Breton woman it was the great mage-crafters of the Dwemer. Being a magician herself, and with a penchant for enchanting, she always jumped at the oppertunity to learn more about them wherever she came. She turned out to be a real sponge when it came to information on the Dwemer and had within a few years become more learned on them than many a scholar. It was this desire for knowledge that eventually led her into the service of The Collector. She had never heard of him until his agents approached her, but she did her homework before accepting, and what she found made her certain of her decision. If anyone could get her in contact with Dwemer artifacts it was him.[/indent] [color=f26522]Equipment[/color] [list] [*]Sturdy clothes for travelling (Underwear, woolen hose and tunic, thick woolen robe and a pair of leather boots) [*]A steel-shod wooden staff [*]A combined spell- and notebook [*]A backpack with extra clothes, food, water, a blanket and a length of rope [*]An enchanted amulet that makes people more likely to agree with her (+Speech) [*]An enchanted ring containing extra magicka (+Magicka) [/list] [color=f26522]Known spells[/color] [list] [*]Magelight (Alt) [*]Levitation (Alt) [*]Banish Daedra (Con) [*]Summon Fire Atronach (Con) [*]Calm (Ill) [*]Healing Hands (Res) [/list] [color=f26522]Party Control:[/color] Yes