"Believe this, his ignorance offends me far more than anything you suspect yourself of doing, Prince Amanti. I must commend you on your mannerisms, perhaps you would be so kind as to allow your well-mannered nature to rub off on my son." Those words were spoken with a smile, a false one. There was nothing joyous or elated in his joke, simply because it wasn't one. Yao Long disdained his heir to the throne, feared for his Kingdom, and now, he worried for this Prince. Was it really going to be alright, to leave their guest in the hands of his troublesome spawn? Nagging pondering was cut short at the mention of material offerings-- not that Yao was particularly grubby... but it was a fact that the Dragons were hoarders. Of everything. Money, books, chests of twisted root-- chest of twisted roots? The wooden box that was procured from a tattered cloak met the gentle scrutiny of aged jades, as if they apprised an antique. Truthfully, Yao loved the works of artisans, and the style of the Fae, of nature and her energy, one could say it appealed to the old Emperor. Even if he did find it almost confrontational to be given a gift at once. He couldn't blame the lad, he obviously didn't know that for him to accept the gift at once would, for one reason or another, shine poorly on one's mannerisms. How thankful he was for one of his serf's to take it for him. That odd, medicinal item was a root? It seemed more befitting of an art gallery than his quarters-- would it seem outlandish to display such a thing? Decisions, decisions. A hand waved off, robes swaying in the momentum of his grand gesture. "Have it sent to my room, I shall display it on my mirrored dresser, where I may admire it from any angle I please." Hopefully knowing it would be accepted as a permanent centre-piece would please the Prince. "I thank you, Prince Amanti. I'll see to it you don't leave my Kingdom unsatisfied." The Emperor's motion was unspeakably brisk to the poor serf who was idly polishing the floor a good few metres away-- shouldn't that have been done earlier? "You there! See to it that Prince Amanti receives our... latest aesthetic, in return for his gift." Consider Yao pleased! The gifts he often got were monetary-- or worse, JADE. Always JADE with the peasants... for once, he actually got something that seemed personal! Yes! Yao was very happy with that! Their Fae would receive his latest addition to the palace. Jin-Wei, less so much. "You gave him a bit of a tree. That's got to be a first." Clearly, Emperor and Son did not share tastes. The young prince was already slinking to the door, since his presence had been all but unwanted from the beginning, and the way the boy moved belied his stature. For a male who barely reached five foot and six inches, there was a certain command to his posture. Straight backed, tanned fingers curled into a palm with the mild swing of his fists. He was a large creature, trapped temporarily in a humans body, and his body language simply screamed that fact. Head held high, the young Prince made certain to barge his shoulder into the Fae guest with a few, quiet words to go with it. "You might have won my Father over with your humble act and fancy box, but you won't sidle up to me as easily. You're in my turf, now." Footsteps were taken away from the throne hall, he had a show to catch in a few minutes. "And I'll enjoy every moment of it." It was a silent promise, but it's intentions unmistakable. Jin-Wei would surely make life Hell, given the chance to. The guide, a mere girl in her sixteenth year, fumbled amidst her red attire, draping, with long, overly so, sleeves. "...You would do well not to cross the Crowned Prince Jin-Wei Long, Prince of the Fae's. If you confront him, he can cause real trouble for you whilst you remain in his future Kingdom." Damned if you do, damned if you don't, that was the way of it. The dark haired guide toddled along the marbled steps, outside was truly glorious. Sunlight that kissed over the pillars and open plan of a garden, nothing grew there yet, nothing but grass and evergreen shrubbery, but it would truly be a bloom to remember, come the warmer months. "This way, Prince. The Emperor must favour you, to be giving away his latest decoration for your eyes to see. He came in last night, after the guards found him washed ashore." The Emperor? Washed ashore? Didn't sound quite right, did it? Pillars passed, ivory columns that held up pagoda roofs of draconic gargoyles, golden trimmings and crimson roof-plates. The harlequin flooring seemed to stretch on forever until a door remained at the end of it, etched oak with, once more, the symbol of dragons. Too bad that ebony ink had been, as it seemed, freshly slathered across the doorway in the shape of an X. "...It would seem Prince Jin-Wei has decided to target you already, Prince. Shall I alert the Emperor?" Even his guide did not seem too certain on the course of action. Yes, Yao Long would be FURIOUS, but... that would only spur their mischievous Prince onwards.