[hider=WIP] Empire name: Valathea Empire's Territory: (refer to updated map for a suitable location. Use Map to show. Note Capital city in map.) Empire Territory Demographics: Valathea is divided into three sections, each section is called a Stal. Each Stal is dedicated to a god/goddess. The Stal of Halos- The Stal of Daros- The Stal of Talia- Valathean- The center of Valathea. It is the capital and where the Vala resides. Empire Alignment: Currently they are peaceful. However, if balance needs to be restored, they will swiftly go to war. Empire Anthem: Empire's Historical Events: The Founding of Valathea- A fleet of small ships came to the shore of a wild land, no inhabitants other than the fierce creatures that prowled in the shadows. The ships dropped anchor and then boats were loaded of people and lowered into the water, dropped, and men rowed towards the sandy beaches. •Early Domestic Struggles (Riots/Failing economy) •Early Foreign Struggles (Conquests/Wars) •Cultural Trends (Enlightenment/Language/Arts/Science) •Middle Domestic Struggles •Middle Foreign Struggles •Middle Cultural Trends •Current Cultural trends •Current Domestic Struggles •Current Foreign Struggles Empire's Government Type: Government Officials: [b]The Vala-[/b] The highest position of authority. (Information in Customs/Religions) The Vala has no name but the title "Vala". She will always be addressed as such until Valia decides who the new Vala is. The current Vala is 25. [b]The Council of the Vala-[/b] The government officials who represent the gods, the goddesses, the mortals, and every outside of Valathea, that concerns Valathea. They are the closet one can get in Valathea to being a deity other than becoming a hero(ine). Despite their highest power, they still listen closely to the citizens of their Stal [i]The Vala's Hand-[/i] The right hand of the Vala. The Vala's Hand advises the Vala with things concerning the nation, and carries out/manages whatever the Vala asks him/her to do. Currently- Rigaal Sala, 40, Male [i]The Hal-[/i] The representatives of the Stal of Halos, they are part of the council and manage things of Halos' Stal the Vala does not need to oversee, such as managing crime, poverty, etc. They are the side of good. They often disagree with the Dar's suggestions, seeing them as dark and twisted. When the Council gets together, they propose ideas for the greater good, and share what the Priests of Halos tells them. The Hal are also often trying to keep peace. Currently part of the Hal- Treek Skal, 45, Male Dalen Halk, 52, Male Larael Walen, 32, Female Talen Halk, 48, Male Worco Fale, 47, Male Reina Oro, 46, Female Saen Relin, 67, Male Craelin Dores, 58, Female [i]The Dar-[/i] The representatives of the Stal of Daros. They perform similar tasks the other representatives do in their own Stal. They are the side of not nessesarily evil, but they do have their moments. They often disagree with the Ham's suggestions, seeing they as weak, worthless, or simply useless. When the Council gets together, they propose ideas that mostly benefits themselves under the guise of benefitting everyone, which the Tal, the Vala, or sometimes even the Vala's Hand points out often. They share what the Priests of Daros tells them. The Dar are also often trying to start wars. [i]The Tal-[/i] The representatives of the Stal of Talia. They preform similar tasks the other representatives do in their own Stal. They say they take no side, but keep balance. However, if balance requires them to support the Hal, they will, and vice versa. When the Council gets together, the Tal suggest what will bring order, or take sides. They share what the Priests of Talia tells them, but often they need no Priests as Talia will often speak with the Tal. The Tal will also help the Vala approve actions of war and peace in the name of balance. [i]The Rekos-[/i] The representatives of everything and everyone outside Valathea. Their job is to manage and watch almost everything outside their borders. When something concerning the Outside they will often speak up. The Rekos rarely have a say in matters of peace and war, if anything they will only share informaction to help the rest of the Council make a decsion. Empire's Interaction Policy/Foreign Relations: (on a -100 to 100 scale of bloody war to total neutrality to strong and ancient alliance, standings put after relationship description in parentheses) Military: •Almost two thirds of Valathea. The Military normally consists of most of the citizens of the Stal of Daros, but when war is announced by the Vala the Stal of Tal will often contribute their soldiers, which is almost all of the Stal of Tal. Only if the Stal of Half is ordered by the Vala will they lend their soldiers, which is only one half of the Stal. •The Vala- She is the highest authority, and manages the military, usually the most important aspects. The Dar- They are in charge of carrying out the orders from the Vala, and everything else the Vala does not completely oversee. Commander- The Commander will take orders from the Dar, and report everything a Commander oversees. Current Commander- •The Dar are in charge of military, they often appoint Tech: •Military Tech •Household Tech •Medical Tech Economy •Imports •Exports •GDP/GDP per capta Customs/Religions: The people of Valathea worship two gods, one goddess, and the Vala. Halos- God of Light. Daros- God of Dark. Talia- Goddess of All in Between. The Vala- The Voice of Valia. The Vala (which is always a female) is the messenger of the goddess of Unity, Valia. She carries out the will of Valia, and listens to the other two gods and the goddess, and if Valia agrees to a request (or demand in some cases) made by the other gods, she will tell the Vala and the Vala will carry it out. The Vala's word is law. No one knows of Valia except the Vala, and the Council of the Vala. The Heroes and Heroines- Nyro- The Hero of Law, [/hider]