A battle raged in hell, Space, and many other fronts. Many died.... Many more were enduring pain and missery beyond anything they'd face before.... A mother, burnt to a crisp.... A son, battling a monster far worse than he..... A daughter, dragging her mother away from the battle.... This had to be stopped. As Drac managed to wrestle open a portal, and he collapsed within his home, he crawled to what would be possibly his final resting place.... Lifting himself up into the chair, he put on the headset to this multiversal comms station. He had this created after the Stine incident..... "If you can hear me, now, listen. A threat to all existence is at hand...and we need help. To all that can hear this, good, or evil...we need help. We must band together, or we all shall perish in a void of oblivion....Call upon your strength. Prepare your armies...If we fail, all die....This...is war." Drac speaks into his microphone, and then collapses, his eyes drifting shut....sleep, was calling. A thousand men heard this call, and a many ignored it, figuring it to be nothing more than just a farce... But some listened to the call. As the battle in hell was waged, a portal opened, and a figured stepped out, in between the demon child Ozzy, and the monster Five. As their blows clashed, both their strikes were caught with wooden hands. "Five, you and Mia sought to destroy me, and release the rotten evil in my soul. You have failed, and now, you're plan will be stopped!" Leeroy calls, but he also looks to Ozzy. "And you're days of stealing souls is over, as well demon." The bounty hunter clashed blades with the samurai, the dragon blade wielding fellow could see the smile of insanity on his foe's face, as he laughed. "This is fun! You'd better switch up the condiments, cause this weak sauce isn't cutting it..... I KILLED A FUCKING DRAGON!" He lets out, giddy with joy. Before cosmos, a large portal opened, as a figure stepped out of it before him. A knight, who was a constant shade of brown, or a tan. The clayman, who's body seemed to disrupt magic with every touch. "So, you're friends were the ones who put Kilroy down? You'll regret that, he was a good friend." The monster says, before creating his blade, and charging at Cosmos. The armies of hell and the forsaken opened retreat ways, and each fell back. Their presence, was no longer needed. The big guns had moved in, and now, they could fall back.