It was hot in Aiko's home. Unbearably hot. Aiko lay sprawled on her bed, her palms and forehead sweaty even though she was hardly moving. In reality, it was probably just hot but the young girl had been slaving away doing housework the entire morning and she was boiling up. The sun blazed through the window so strong there was a small chance of Aiko getting sunburnt if she sat too close. She begun to flip through the pages of a new manga she just bought to try and take her mind off the heat but to no avail. Instead, the girl went to admire her new hitai-ate bearing the symbol of Konohagakure. The sunlight reflected off the metal, casting rays of harmless light across Aiko's room. Her thoughts were rudely interrupted by a cry in the street just outside. Aiko peered out the window and spotted a young boy and a Tokubetsu Jōnin picking up supplies that were scattered on the floor. It was that quiet Uchiha who she noticed during the genin entrance exams, that one who happened to catch her eye. He was strong, there was no denying that but they had received identical scores for physical ability at the end of the exams. Aiko observed them picking up the last of the items and the Uchiha adjusting his hitae-ate atop his head. At least this small commotion took her mind off the heat.