[quote=@Driving Park] -pokes Rose- Obviously Sylvia and I are very interested. -rolls around excitedly- [/quote] -rolls around with DP- Yay! :D [quote=@Whoami] I'm willing to throw my interest in for this. I just recently finished marathoning RWBY so its fresh in my mind. ^.^ [/quote] I don't plan on it being [i]too[/i] much like the series, but it will be inspired by it at the very least. :P I'm going to let it sit for a little while longer to see if we can drum up anymore interest. But I'm going to make an etherpad here very shortly so that we can begin to work together and build the world. That is, if you all are interested, I'm aware that both datadogie and DP (probably) will want to help with world building. But if you're interested, you're more than welcome to join in when it's created. (I'll probably edit in a link here in a few.) If you want the link to the pad, PM me. That way, we can avoid random ass people joining in to ruin our day.