Bal'Tazor looked upon the rotted corpses surrounding the pit with some strange growth like structure within the middle and several disgustingly beautiful creatures scurrying about the cadavers. The soulless gaze that the Progenitor obtained seemed to make Bal'Tazor think that the creature had barley any free will, as Bal'Tazor knew that kind of look as its various brain rotting diseases had conjured such a face. Once the human started to speak, the greater demon noticed the mouth upon the stomach of the being and thought of the design as rather cute, trying to display the glorious nature of horror through other means rather than physical corruption of the body. However, the noise coming through the beast, intrigued Bal'Tazor as it did not recognize the language, only hearing hisses and screeches. The delicious smelling creature seemed to be older than Bal'Tazor had thought, but all corruption and diseases were all its children. Things started to get interesting as the creature seemed to be transforming, the arms of the being breaking apart and reforming into something more horrendous than the original form. The gasses and rotten odors from the creature smelled quite pleasant, like a small spritz of perfume wafted upon some human. Upon seconds, the arms of the creature turned into tendrils with razor sharp spikes upon the end which only made Bal'Tazor chuckle at the sight, and only further continued once the creature tried to pull Bal'Tazor inside of the pit. The greater demon playfully acknowledged the aggressive act as the tendrils stuck into the obese body, but pain was no longer feeling that Bal'Tazor had felt as the countless diseases, poxes, and slime covered body had only made its skin resistant to most types of weaponry and thick that only the most sharpened arrow could pierce through the bile colored skin. It stepped into the pit, the pulling that the Progenitor tried to do was futile as the ten meter beast couldn't be easily thrown off balance, even when surprised. Bal'Tazor squished the rotting corpses under its fatty feet and this pit reminded it of home as the landscape and smell seemed to be reminiscent of its old fortress. The demon noticed that it had forgotten its axe as it had placed it upon a nearby field and only laughed at the mistake it had made, and soon the mad gaze feel upon the Progenitor which had let go of the lumbering beast. "Is the child trying to show their dominance to me? How cute, but let me show you the true power of Bal'Tazor," bellowed the demon. Without its axe, the demon had to think upon its feet and thought of the most joyous of plans. Bal'Tazor quickly shoved its hand through the several openings around the body, trying to find something upon the rotting organs and its face brightened as it seemed to find what it was looking for, and what it pulled out was the lime green, slimy, and absolutely poor excuse of a stomach. These demons did have no need for these organs, they were mainly just for effect, but they still served some purpose and Bal'Tazor could always grow a new stomach. It soon ripped open the stomach, spraying the horrendously smelling stomach acid that would make ordinary men retreat at the sight of such a scene. The resulting liquid soon spread upon the bodies littered across the place, and within seconds, the skin peeled off and the rest of the acid soon seeped into the decaying muscles, making it into a disgusting red-ish slush of what used to be meat. Bal'Tazor laughed once more, when viewing the decaying corpses and looked at it with such pride as the demon has been bared from the mortal realm for so long, it was nice to see its powers gaining. The Plague Lord was not finished though, as it soon picked up the meaty slush with one scoop and took one hearty slurp of the decayed corpses and shook the rest of the slushy material upon the ditch. When Bal'Tazor swallowed, and with the stomach gone, what could this monster do? Suddenly, something started to rumble inside of the belly of the beast, and soon, one head poked out of the stomach. It actually bore the resemblance Bal'Tazor himself, but only smaller version of itself and the creature soon started to chirp wildly as more and more heads started to poke out of the being. It's belly contained several lesser demons as they used the large body as their home, but were awakened as the slush of meat entering the body awakened the slumbering creatures. Several of the little creatures started to burst out from the large wounds of the Bal'Tazor and started to run widely around the pit and it laughed joyously as the two feet tall creatures were running around quite crazily and nibbling upon the corpses of the fallen.