[b] Scarlett - Motel - Tyler/Liam[/b] Scarlett had enjoyed the moment while it lasted. Other than wrapping her arms around Tyler's neck, she made no other movements. Once they stopped, she still held on, not opening her eyes as she tried to wrap her mind about what exactly had just happened. If she let go of him, she would have probably collapsed onto the floor, so she merely let her arms around him and rested her forehead on his, trying to steady her breathing. A million emotions ran through her as she gathered her thoughts; confusion, happiness, excitement, lust, and maybe a bit of regret? What exactly had she just done. It didn't matter. The sudden abrupt sound of laughter made Scarlett jump and quickly back away a few steps from Tyler. "Liam" was all the young woman could mutter as she watched the boy laugh himself to tears, her mouth gaping open as she glanced at Tyler then back at Liam. Her cheeks turned a bright red before she reached up and wiped off the shaving cream from her face. She cleared her throat and grabbed her back from the floor along with the straight razor. "I.... I think you can finish on your own." Her voice was filled with embarrassment and she spoke fast as she left the straight razor by the bowl of water and shaving cream. She smiled apologetically at Tyler before practically running past him. How could she have slipped up like that? She barely knew him! What about Roy? Scarlett wasted no time in grabbing Liam by the arm and pulling him alongside her back to the room they were staying at. She feared there would probably be a worse future for the kid if she had left him in a room with Tyler. She hadn't noticed it, but the sky seemed to have darkened rather quickly. 'Hmm. Maybe a storm is coming?' She thought to herself before turning into the room and shutting the door behind her and the laughing boy. "Liam!" Scarlett practice ally hissed, still a bright Crimson. "Liam stop laughing. Listen to me!" She sat him down on the old bed and sat next to him, grabbing him by both of the arms, "Liam.... You can not tell [i] anyone [/i] what you just saw. Especially Katie. Please. This needs to stay between us. Are you listening to me?" She moved around trying to hold eye contact with the boy, "Please. I'm begging you." Her eyes were wide as she pleaded with him, wanting nothing more than to see the boy either nod or say yes verbally. Truth be told she just wanted to laugh from how nervous she was but her fear that Liam might go off and tell Katie was greater than anything.