[b]Makoto Takai Municipio 12 Roaming Magical Girl[/b] Makoto's Magical Girl crash course had been short, but she just didn't feel well over there. Admittedly she still was pretty green behind her ears, but now she didn't lack the combat experience she had before her quick education. With her gun slung around her shoulder she casually strolled through the dark and quiet Rome. This image was rather quickly disturbed by a sinister presence. A dark shadow of a bird dove upon the surprised girl, who, just in time managed to roll away from its menacing claws. In a quick flash, she activated her Magical powers and pulled out her musket, which was already loaded and ready to go, however, she wasn't able to make out the Error against the backdrop of the night sky. Somehow, though, she managed to make out stars vanishing in the sky, aimed at the next possible spot and pulled the trigger resulting in a feral scream shaking Makoto's bones, but the bird was still flying and, with marvelous precision, dove back down towards the girl.