S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier [center][img]http://gaygamer.net/images/wiccanhulkling.jpg[/img][/center] “Come on Wiccan hurry it up!” “I’m trying Ms. Hill I’m trying!” Wiccan was curled up tight behind a large metal crate that rang constantly from bullets hitting it. Maria Hill, S.H.I.E.L.D.’s director of operations, was also behind the crate but unlike Wiccan was periodically exposing herself and firing back with a high powered pistol. Hulkling though was right in the thick of things, dodging fire and having his skin thick enough to deflect any bullets that did connect. Still though even with his strength the numbers were clearly against him as it looked like he was constantly getting dogpiled by a large number of them. “Wiccan do what the lady says!” He called out to his boyfriend as he grunted in frustration. Another large group of HYDRA soldiers going flying off of him. Wiccan calmed his nerves, sitting cross legged as he kept his head down. Trying to blot out the noises happening all around. Calmly he started chanting “Iwishtheirgunsmalfunction” over and over. A soft blue glow from his hands as he pressed them together. Finally there was sweet satisfaction when even amongst the billowing winds blowing against his ears. He heard a symphony of clicks when Hydra realized their guns had all jammed and broke at the same time. They couldn’t’ get much time to react though. As on top of a now grinning Hulkling, Hill and Wiccan leaped into the fray. The three of them cracking skulls and making life miserable for any HYDRA agents foolish enough to be near them. Finally the large group had been slammed, beaten, bruised, and generally smashed by the three as Hulkling and Wiccan gave one another a look. “Took you long enough.” Hulkling teased. “Well I had to make it dramatic didn’t I?” Wiccan and Hulkling started to come closer before suddenly Maria Hill stood between them. “As much as I don’t mind the romances. We still have problems.” [center][img]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/b/bc/Ben_10_logo.svg/300px-Ben_10_logo.svg.png[/img][/center] [i]"Hulkling, and Wiccan, help Maria on the deck. A clean sweep. Ben and Dani, handle the engines. If those fail, we all die."[/i] Ben Tennyson sighed to himself, great, get stuck with the hot chick that has a demon inside her. He had already had been in one of the main areas, where HYDRA were keeping some of the staff on board the helicarrier hostage. Sure enough they probably didn’t seem ready for a giant red four armed alien to come in and turn them into creamed HYDRA. Still that was some time ago, and now that a few minutes had passed Ben ran through the corridor. Trying to multitask by going to his omnitrix. Dialing through the various alien forms inside. “Wish I knew how to organize this thing…” Ben muttered to himself before finally coming across the right one for the job. “Lets go Brainstorm!” Ben proclaimed right outside of the engine room. His hand slammed down on the Omnitrix, with a sudden blast of green energy encasing Ben. As Ben finally came into the engine room. He suddenly had green skin, a trio of yellow dots on his head, and blond hair. “Alright Ms. Ketch I hope you have your Engineering cap on…” Ben told Dani in a weirdly wise voice, considering who it was coming from. It was something that came with suddenly having a 12th level intelligence. Quickly Ben came up to one of the big engines in the room. That was rumbling and shaking a bit as smoke came out of it. Ben’s fingers began to telescope away from his hand as they sunk into the engine to where he knew the electronic chips for it were. So that he could find out direct from the source what the problems were. “Main fuselage is broken, and two of the pistons are malfunctioning.” Ben stated before his head telescoped over to another part of the engine, pointing to a pair of valves. “Redirect these to this area over here.” Ben stated pointing where they go. “It won’t fix the problem but it should buy us enough time to do so.”