"Oh, you want to know where ya room is?" the now obviously Irish peer said before he scratched his chin and looked over his shoulder back at the city. "Yeah I suppose I could point ya in the right direction. Do you have an address or anything already lass? " "Vell..... That is vhere I have the.. problem." she pointed to the paper detailing her living quarters. It read: [b]Section B of District 7 of the Naval Studies Region. Room Number 4775 Arkillia Academy Dormitories, quadrant 4.[/b] She looked back at the student and shook her head. "This is very confusing, is it not? It seems so unnecessarily messy, as if it is a test itself on my navigational skills. Very little to work with here in this foreign land when it comes to navigating to specific districts, regions, sections, or vhatever seems to classify as an 'address' on this chaotic island." Aya was, needless to say, barely keeping up the dike that was now holding back her building frustration and rage as a result to her understandably exhausted position. For the Irishman's sake, she better be home soon.