[url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/10742/posts/ooc]OOC[/url] Name: Ashtaroth (Ash) Age: 1250 Species: Demon - Succubus Gender: Female Human Appearance: [img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/t1/s403x403/1796693_219335931605909_1621420415_n.jpg[/img] Ash is the epitome of feminine beauty, everything about her small frame (5'4) giving off a sense of helplessness to draw in her prey. Her long chestnut hair is soft and alluring to touch, the very tendrils quick to come live to capture someone and draw them close. Her dark amber gaze is warm and welcoming, kind and demanding you stop and speak. Her body is picturesque, full hips and long legs. Full red lips turn into a knowing smile to let you know that you've been captured as hers. Beast Appearance: [img]http://r001.joyme.com/r001/image/2013/01/61/4E54AB7D3EF9DF592811B2E24824D735.jpg[/img] [url=http://r001.joyme.com/r001/image/2013/01/61/4E54AB7D3EF9DF592811B2E24824D735.jpg]Link[/url] (Shifts into a bat-like creature, but very different than our current vamps.) Personality: Ash is playful at heart, her own definition of evil different than most, and yet she can play devious with the best. She is quite loyal to her leader, but quick to speak her opinion as she's been around for quite sometime. She is demanding of those around her and works hard to bring the realization of her people to the human world, feeling it her responsibility to once again rebuild their hordes and repopulate hell. She's sarcastic and quick on her feet, the center of the crowd and the girl they all want to have or be. Brief History: Ash was spawn from hell, her father Asmodeus, the great demon and an angel who didn't live through her birth. Though she's only a half breed, her father's genes were so strong that she pulled all of her genetics from him and appears as an elder demon due her way of speaking and bend to the evil of the world. After ruling in hell beside her father as the right hand of Satan's army, she took the assignment to work more in the bending of souls to the darkness and repopulating of hell. Her father was proud and she was more than willing to serve beside Dagon, his ways as extreme as hers, but his reign on earth was short lived. She stood tall and said nothing when he was stripped of his honor, her loyalty lying tightly with Mephistos or so it might seem. Having nothing to lose and everything to gain, she lives on the edge of a reality that might prove to dangerous for her to handle, but she's willing to ride the line in the wake of waiting her turn to rule.