[url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/10742/posts/ooc]OOC[/url] Vampiric Council Chair - Elder Name: Seraphine Iscariot Age: 1807 (Turned at 21) Species: Vampire Gender: Female Human Appearance: [img]http://shop.creepyhollows.com/images/P/baobhan%20sith.jpg[/img] [url=http://www.kino-teatr.ru/acter/album/106461/161674.jpg]Picture when Human[/url] [url=http://s2.afisha.net/Afisha7files/Afisha65/userimg/2006-01-31/9927757/17.jpg]Picture during Crusades[/url] Seraphine stands 5' 8, her raven's hair is seemingly woven of silk and stops just below her belt line, long and full of soft curves its rarely found hanging, but rather pulled into a tight bun as women of the first century understood their hair to be intimate in nature. Dark sea green eyes are filled with experience and wonders of the past, but quickly turn completely black before she feeds or when her emotions are heightened. Her frame is feminine and yet lithe like a dancer in structure. She rarely smiles, but finds herself with a calm facade that exudes control and dominance no matter her audience. Her skin remains olive colored from life and her features that of middle eastern royalty. Beast Appearance: [img]http://smhttp.13422.nexcesscdn.net/80666D/KillerCDN/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/Brides-van-helsing-2617594-500-333.jpg[/img] Personality: Dominant and direct, unfriendly and quite a commanding presence. She cares not for friends or acquaintances and would rather drain you dry than deal with you or converse over something meaningless and abstract. Brief History: Being born the only child to a poor family in Jericho at the turn of the century, Sera's life was a picture of continuous struggle and back breaking labor from the moment she learned to carry herself up right. Never getting access to anything more than the occasional scripture teachings by the scribes at the local synagogue, she was unable to read or write and didn't communicate very well seeing that her parents rarely spoke to her, her mother ashamed of only being able to give her husband a daughter. Their family name would die with Sera and their worth in the community had already suffered greatly because of that and their inability to conceive another child. Sera spent a lot of time in the village away from her parents, her friends becoming the only comfort she was afforded in life other than her ability to sing beautifully and create stories with her imagination that left the other kids in her village in awe. Much to her dismay, at the age of thirteen, her father and mother pledged her to be wed to the son of Simon Iscariot, the local synagogue treasurer. Her father believed the union would bring their family not only security, but wealth and standing among the Sanhedrin as well. She was a tool to trade and a beautiful one at that, the older Judas falling desperately in love with the young girl and trying to win her heart with no avail. After a few years and no children to show for it Sera believed herself cursed and believed that she would suffer the same shame that her mother did. Willing to try anything, she begged Judas to come with her to the city center in Jericho the day a great profit would pass by for he was capable of miracles. Judas failed to believe her claims, but would follow her to the ends of the earth and as such took her. While in the crowd waiting their turn, the prophet from Nazareth called out to Judas and bid him come. Sera stood in shock, watching as her husband agreed to go and promised to return to her and return to her he did. Only he was a different man, a broken man with betrayal and sorrow written in the lines on his face. She tried to comfort him, but he could not find peace and left one day to take his own life, his treachery to harsh to bear. She never asked what he'd done or tried to force the details from him, but on the last day they embraced she followed him quietly to the edge of Potters Field and wept as he hung himself, the earth opening up and turning the world into darkness. Little did she know as she rushed toward him to cut the rope that he'd become her greatest nightmare and the grantor of a curse so dark and deadly that heaven would no longer accept her and hell beckoned her return. Many years after walking beside Judas as monsters of the night, the creator of the great hunters of the church finally took her beloved from the waking world and left her to rule as the eldest of her kind - alone and with the choice to make more or forever stay in silence. She vowed to avenge Judas' death and has worked hard to kill James' familial (Jesus brother - first hunter) generations until no more blood of his veins existed. Today remains one male and one female and she will be their end.