[center][img]http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2014/011/a/8/png_leo_howard_by_leonatoreditions-d71qljb.png[/img][/center] Gabriel is a young teenager, standing at around average height for a sixteen year old, give or take an inch. His skin is a tan, caramel color, that hints at Native American blood, which, combined with his French blood, gives him a rather exotic, handsome look; especially with his lengthy, curly, soft black hair that flits in between his golden-hazel eyes, with the back holding a pony-tail that trails even more hair down to his shoulder-blades. His physique is athletic and defined, obviously from disciplined training. Gabriel generally wears the Slytherin vest, jeans, shoes, and robe - although his robe was customly tailored by his mother, appearing more as a high-collared, expensive, muggle coat, moreso than a regular robe. [b]Name:[/b] Gabriel Mal Thea [b]Age:[/b] 15. His sixteenth birthday is in one week. [b]School Year:[/b] Fifth Year [b]House:[/b] Slytherin [b]Short Bio:[/b] Gabriel grew up as the youngest male of a long line of infamous dark wizards, in the Honorable Family Mal Thea. The family, dating back far into the Middle Age, was originally founded in the first beginnings of France, eventually becoming one of the most, if not the most politically influencing and powerful family in the entirety of France itself. Gabriel, as the heir to the next throne of Mal Thea, was put through vigorous training, stress, and general attention, even at a young age. While this would give most an arrogant air, along with an attention-craving personality, the opposite was formed. Gabriel moved with the punches, training and studying diligently, whether it be in the magical arts, or in politics. Chess and checkers were a break among the monotony of life, studying was something he could do in his time not with his father, practicing and mastering the violin was forced upon him, as he needed to master an instrument, apparently, and life became a haze. At the age of ten, he entered Hogwarts after a minor debate between his uncles and father - something about showing the Mal Thea line in Britain. He quickly showcased his prodigal talent with magical theory and practice, becoming noticed by the teachers. Because of this, as a test of will, he began downplaying and hiding his abilities...not becoming a flunkee. No, he simply did the minimum, leaving most to believe that he was simply more interested in his own studies and practices, rather than the tests and attention the teachers would give to 'teacher's pets'. Life continued in Hogwarts for the young heir, as normal... [b]Personality:[/b] Gabriel is...well, he's certainly a studious person. Generally distant, the young wizard could often be seen sitting somewhere alone, going over books ahead of his year, or even dusty, leather-bound journals that had nothing to do with the current Hogwarts curriculum. At other times, he could be seen gesturing subtly with his wand, performing and practicing different spells silently. He's quiet, that much was obvious, and rather apathetic and calm. Nothing seems to be able to surprise him, and although he keeps to himself, content with his own realm of solitude, at times, it seems as if he wants to do something more; share his interests in magic with others. It only flits between his eyes, before he crushes it and returns to whatever he was doing. Focused intensity, some would say. A lot would say, actually. When he does talk, it's in a quiet, yet cool and collected manner. Despite his introversion, he seems to be able to hold a constant conversation if the topic interests him. Similarly, people with similar, studious tastes such as his is welcomed as a temporary companion. Over-all, around the young boy, there seems to be an aura of mystery and, well, magic. [b]Classes taken:[/b] Transfiguration, Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Care of Magical Creatures, and Studies of Runes. [b]Hobbies:[/b] Studying all Arts of Magic, reading historical literature, performing practical magic, and playing the violin. [b]Other:[/b] His wand is fir wood, rigid, with an unknown Dragon's Heartstring.