[url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/10742/posts/ooc]OOC[/url] Name: Simon Benheli Age: 28 Species: Human Gender: Male Human Appearance: [img]http://www.rankopedia.com/CandidatePix/33434.gif[/img] Simon stands 6' 3 and weighs around 197lbs, his body strong and toned with muscular athleticism. His hair is kept a little longer than most might find acceptable, but the men of his family always hold tight to their original heritage from the turn of the century. His eyes are filled with compassion most day and even on occasion a holy righteousness at the injustice around him. His smile is soft and kind and there isn't a moment that you'd find judgement on his face or contempt in his demeanor. Personality: Very staunch beliefs in the church which cause him to be rather strict in his practices and unyielding to the desires of others. On the other hand, Simon is quick to extend his hand to those in need and give love in places that it's never been nor perhaps should be. He is warm to his sister and loving to his family and church, but to the evil of the world he is one to work toward redemption whereas his little sister only wants death and retribution for those that oppose them. Brief History: Simon is a direct descendant from James, the brother of Jesus, his father and his father before him working with the church to rid the world of evil. He was raised in the ways of the faith and at an early age sent to study the scriptures and other world religions to better prepare him for a life of spiritual battling on behalf of the Catholic Church. His younger sister was prepared in a different way than he, women not allowed to become of the cloth in their faith, but she is his partner in all he does and that he worries not about protecting her because she's capable of protecting herself which has saved them on more than one occasion. During the time of Simon's father, the hunters were disbanded because the church felt that all supernatural evil had been put to rest in the great Purge of 1800, but the church was wrong and the descendents of James would always be trained within the confines of their homes to protect humanity. Simon has taken it upon himself since his fathers death, at the hands of a beast, to pick up the torch and use all that he's been taught to continue the fight for his family and his God. His story will began in London as he pleads before the Circle of Elders within the church for a commissioning that is blessed by God and ordained by the church at large.