[center][img]http://www.worldofelderscrolls.de/skyrim/loesung/vor_dem_sturm/Vor_dem_Sturm_6.png[/img][/center] "By Ysmir's beard, what is this?!" Balgruuf the Greater, Jarl of Whiterun sat upon his throne within Dragonreach, his eyes looking fiercely upon a scroll, held tightly in his hands. "Is it news of Pale Pass?" Proventus, an imperial steward, asks. "The Greymane's report it was taken by the Stormcloaks." Hrongar, brother to the Jarl and a thane of Whiterun steps forward. "With the Pale Pass under the thumb of the Stormcloaks, Ulfrik will only become more bold!" Balgruuf snorted. "Ulfrik wouldn't dare attack us, not even now." "Maybe," returns Hrongar. "But no doubt he will once again demand our allegiance." The jarl waved a dismissive hand. "Let him, my answer remains the same." Balgruuf studied the scroll for a moment before speaking. "News of unrest in Cyrodil. Our only chance against the Thalmar is a united Empire, and this Res Publica threatens that. The Aldmeri Dominion now poised to invade, and thanks to the Stormcloaks, a legion is trapped in Skyrim." "We should march to Pale Pass, clear a path for the Legion," Hrongar suggests confidently. Balgruuf shook his head. "I will not bring war so eagerly upon the hold, weakened as it is in wake of the Dragon Crisis." "What would you have us do, my Jarl?" Asks Proventus. "Draw up a letter to General Tullius, I will write Ulfric. We must negotiate a white peace so the Legion may return to Cyrodil, to fight Res Publica." "Peace?" Hrongar doubted. "You really think Ulfric will go for that?" "Why shouldn't he? The Legion is Ulfric's greatest obstacle to claiming the crown. Only the Jarls will stand in his way." "And what of us? Where will we stand." "With Whiterun and Skyrim." The braziers of the hall of Dragonsreach burned bright as Balgruuf stepped off the throne, taking a seat by the warm hearth. Cool mead and flanks of charred boar meat were served on a bed of grilled leaks. With his children the Jarl ate heartily, enjoying the peace while it lasted. Though he knows full well... [i]Peace in Skyrim is always fleeting.[/i] [hider=Brief] Jarl Bulgruuf attempts to negotiate a white peace between the Empire and the Stormcloaks, so that the Legion may return to Cyrodil to fight the Res Publica, leaving the Jarls to fight the rebellion. [/hider]