Taro got another text from Kanako and started seriously considering his options. Well, really, there wasn't much of one. He'd get paid for being an enforcer, first of all. More than being a grocery store employee, at least. He [i]had[/i] been planning to join the enforcers sooner or later, so it wouldn't jar his ambitions or anything. And besides, his current boss was kind of annoying. Also, he assumed he could be a part time enforcer, which meant that he could still possibly do the grocery store job and get those handy discounts as well as having some more income... [i][color=7bcdc8]Alright, that settle it.[/color][/i] Taro thought. For friendship and money, he'd become an enforcer. He decided to take a little detour from his walk home to the nearest enforcer office to sign up. He didn't know what exactly he needed, but he technically had all his credentials. ID, credit card and his bow (in case he needed to make badass shots) were all on him. Taro walked through the doors of the enforcer office, near the bakery down the road from his house, and walked through the sliding doors, pacing towards the reception desk. [color=7bcdc8]"Hey, I wanna be an enforcer."[/color] He said to the receptionist.