Julie had taken half a sip from the glass before Enya's message popped up on her phone or rather notified her since it had been sitting her pocket as the vibrations went off as an alert. Exhaling a prolonged yawn before pulling the phone from her pocket, but with the sun so bright out she basked in it for a moment before taking another drink and to look at the phone. Enya [i]“I think they are displeased with me." Long fingernails began typing. "From all their scolding you’d think I was the bane of existence here. I still have 4 more hours…picking up some more overtime. Late dinner tonight? I can pay this time.” [/i] She owed Enya much... well her life pretty much and had found a sister in the reborn woman. More of a family than she had ever had. But she had to admit she was bit dense sometimes, reminding her that she didn't technically 'eat' food. She could for aesthetic reasons but would get no real nutrition from things. Stuck to eating microwaved pig and cow hearts, which was better than leaving a trail of corpses along. A vegetarian of sorts. But Julie was proud of the fact she hadn't broke down in over two years now, but the temptation was always there. Always pondering in the back of the head why was it the heart or children her kind had to eat, hell being vampire would've been better. Drain them a bit, compel them and poof be done. Time had seem to fly by as a quarter of the liquor was gone already...already? Shaking her head a bit, but as Julie did she noticed Enya giving her a void look. Julie knew what that meant and well it could be worse really. The question now was to ask what had happened, interesting as it was perhaps she didn't want to rub a bad day further in Enya's face. But instead raised a toast for the two of them. "To you not nutting up and freaking out completely and to me for well not eating the kid down the road." Julie mussed a laugh, but the temptation there was almost insatiable. Just wanting unhinge her jaws for once and eat the brat. "Remember I don't eat like you do, I'm the freak eating animal hearts fresh from the microwave. But I got a some money if you wanna order take out or something." Pulling a small wad of cash from her rear pocket for Enya. "That take out place is hiring. If a customer gets mad just start sputtering in 'our' tongue and they leave it at damn foreigner. Its what I did when I worked there." Mussing a slight laugh remembering her days working there. Waving to Ziander as he approached. The comic relief or so Julie thought, she had to give him some gruff for being a wolf and the other half he just walked into it. But it was a laugh and all in good fun. Raising her glass to him, welcoming the man back from another day behind tideious volumes of books and flipping pages. Something she couldn't see herself doing but perhaps for Enya it would be a better slower paced job, that could be held for more than a week or two. The idea was entertaining. "Yea but last time you did that you marked the whole apartment and got into our undergarments remember. I swear that wolf inside you is as dirty as they come. A perverted version of the one in red ridding hood." Having to laugh, just thinking about that moment. Julie would never let Ziander live that moment down. Sure she had to buy a whole new wardrobe but honestly it was way too funny, even despite the fact "You guys get any hits on your phones about people needing a place to crash?" Curious, seeing as she put all three of their numbers in the article after the initial posting. Perhaps they'd gotten a hit from anyone and seeing how blistering hot it was at least it was to the others probably that no one would come strolling down to take a look. Propping her feet up on the edge of the porch, sipping once more sitting with Ziander and Enya.