Much to the chagrin of many of these women, the ever flamboyant, and slightly irritating, Noriaki-dono resumed her accustomed demeanor, uttering such boastful sentences of elegant and flowery words, which only seemed to be a guise for her inner foolishness. Twas not for these outrageous and boisterous claims of Noriaki-dono how Asuka could recall such a name however. For it was upon her travels across the majestic lands of Japan the ronin had heard many a tale of the legendary braggart, a woman whose words themselves held such a mesmerizing power, able to either drive the coldest and most ruthless of demons to tears or on some accounts seduce even the most prudent of fair maidens to the woman's bedchamber. Her eloquent verbose though wasn't what peaked Asuka's interest in her. Rather, it was, possibly another false claim, Noriaki-dono's boast of mastering the art of Nitoken, dual blade style. [i]A dual wielder? Quite impressive, that it is.[/i] Nitoken was indeed a rare sword art, the use of a katana and a wakazashi in flawless, synchronized strikes. Nitoken did have a weakness however. The relying upon two swords for battle held up a prominent defense, but the combatant was limited to only slashing maneuvers, unable to perform any thrusts or jabs. If one could lure the foolish opponent into thrusting forth their blades, their defense would be shattered and one quick strike could easily dispatch them. Asuka should know, not even one dual wielder stood a chance against her sword. If there was another notable trait of Noriaki-dono that was indeed legendary, then Asuka had certainly witnessed it in the woman's courtesan smile and her sly batting of an eyelash towards the ronin. Certainly, she was quite the spectacle amongst these women, and to some....quite the nuisance, as judged by Kaede-dono's blood boiling to the surface of her burning crimson exterior, quite notable of her legendary fury, a fury it had been an honor of Asuka's to witness firsthand. Gratefully, that fury didn't have to be displayed yet again and also thankfully, Asuka didn't have to settle this ridiculous dispute by drawing her blade. She assumed it would be best now to avoid riling any further vicious tendencies, especially among the very few of these hotheaded women. Humored, she chuckled to herself quietly, her eyes yet again observing the band of warriors that was sure to assemble, yet again taking in another bizarre spectacle, the armored woman with.....was that a child resting upon her shoulder? Who in their right mind would bring along their daughter into this volatile fray? She didn't even appear to be of the right age to undergo such a perilous journey. But upon further inspection of this little kunoichi, Asuka was merely jumping to conclusions. She was a woman, but she was.....not so tall as these others, even her Lord she served quite towering in comparison to her. [i]Even if she is small in stature, I'm sure she too would be a formidable opponent to me, that she would be.[/i] From the corner of her eye, Asuka had noticed another pair intently following her, the miko's. It was welcomed, the holy woman's stare, but it seemed after Kaede-dono had outed her as the infamous Kushiami, every glance aimed towards the woman brought with it a hint of discomfort, the discernment of whether Asuka was a legendary samurai or....a notorious murderer. Her eyes met with the shrine maiden's and a warm and welcoming smile crossed Asuka's lips as she bowed to the miko and spoke with her softest voice, "Hajimemashite, Miko-dono. It is quite an interesting sight seeing a woman of purity amongst these warriors, that it is."