[b][u]LIN[/b][/u] [b]Real World Name:[/b] ?? [b]Age:[/b] ?? [b]Real World Bio:[/b] ?? [b]Oneiros Name:[/b] Lin [b]Appearance:[/b] a blue-haired girl wearing a grey bolero, a blue dress and socks, and grey slippers. Upon will, she can morph into a talking blue-jeweled sword -> image of both Hez and Lin [url= http://benit149.deviantart.com/art/Hez-and-Lin-designs-433592039]HERE[/url] [b]Oneiros Bio:[/b] Unlike many Oneiros, Lin is a permanent resident of Remniche, which is virtually impossible by normal standards. No one knows who her real life persona is, and she has no memory of anything prior to entering Vivi-Dream. Even so, Lin is a cheerful spirit who doesn’t let this get in the way of her curious nature. She loves to explore and discover new things, and acts as a guide for some Oneiros who may not be familiar with this bizarre world. Lately however, Lin has taken to following a traumatized mute girl she named Hez, another Oneiros who hasn’t left Vivi-Dream for the last year. As Hez only ‘talks’ in ellipses, Lin serves to translate what she’s saying. They go on scouring adventures together, and Lin has become very interested in finding out more about her BFF. If they encounter a battle, Lin fights the monsters in her talking sword form. [b][u]HEZ[/b][/u] [b]Real World Name:[/b] Cordelia Ignavis [b]Age:[/b] 10 [b]Real World Bio:[/b] Cordelia is the daughter of Leary Ignavis, the president of the influential Ignavis Institute, a school for the affluent that covers numerous fields of study and every grade possible. Cordelia was involved in a horrific car accident last year and has been in a coma ever since, explaining her prolonged presence in Vivi-Dream. She sustained some internal injuries and is often in critical condition, sometime teetering between life and death. Lately though, Cordelia is showing signs of improvement. Obviously, Cordelia cannot meet her fellow dreamers at the Reverie Bakery and Café. [b]Oneiros Name:[/b] Hez [b]Appearance:[/b] a timid silver-haired girl wearing a large white shawl and cape, a white blouse, a black skirt, and white-and-black sneakers -> see above image in Lin’s profile [b]Oneiros Bio:[/b] As Hez, she is totally silent. Lin found her wandering around a car junkyard at the outskirts of Remniche and took her in as her protégé. Lin randomly named her ‘Hez’ back then, and together they explore the vast world of Vivi-Dream. Although Hez doesn’t speak, Lin can understand her perfectly and translate her dialogue. Hez is unable to participate in battle due to her frightened nature, but is very smart and notices things that others might miss. Hez is also able to heal light wounds.