He exhaled and his breath was an oxymoron; a mixture of a biting Winter breeze and the hot tang of a summer's day all rolled into one. And though the Fae were a private species, understudied either because of that or because nobody thought them worthy of being marked down in an encyclopedia as anything more than 'simple fairy folk', this open display of confusion belonged exclusively to him and him only. And he supposed, this was why this weighty burden was laid upon his shoulders as well. Closing his eyes, he let the calming darkness wash over him for a second, letting it bind down the heat threatening to intensify and calm the icy protest spiking in protest to the former. The sun burned through his eyelids, flaked with red flares and dark sunspots, all traces of the silver moon gone with the Winter. White locks replaced by golden strands and the air around him grew stifling. Luckily his back was turned to the servant girl when he very calmly spoke; his appearance changed but his demeanor and tone the same, "Thank you." "I only hope to dress appropriately for the Emperor and his family tonight. I apologise for the state of my attire. I understand it presents more problem for you to stock my wardrobe with cloth and clothes, I did not wish to be an imposing guest. I hope I will not continue to be for the remainder of my stay." With the same politeness and courtesy as before, the prince seemed not to care whether he was speaking to a serf or an Emperor. Was that a fault of his own character or of the Fae themselves? It was hard to say, but the sound of wheels rolling heavily across the polished floor distracted him before he could choose to ponder the natter any further. He turned and his eyes flashed, his mouth agape at the sight though thankfully his own shock was hidden by the shadow of his hood. How could he not be in awe of what the guards slowly wheeled towards him? The ornamented tank was one thing, beautiful in it's own right though glass and metal did not mix would with the nature of a Fae and he couldn't help but feel a slight aversion as it was brought towards him, but what truly stunned him was the ethereal creature floating inside the crystal clear liquid in the tank. Despite it's sickly pallor, it was a gorgeous being with it's lithe frame and iridescent scales. And Amanti could not help but picture this Elysian glowing under the pale moon light; an image that could be captured and framed for but a second before it disappeared forever into the murky depths of the ocean, never to be seen again. A brief sight bereft of any unsatisfaction in what feeling it bequeathed to those blessed enough to witness it. And so, Amanti was utterly horrified. Deaf to the words from the guards, he stepped forward and pressed his palm against the glass. Lifting his head up to stare at the demure creature floating inside the sad parody of the ocean. At least that was all he managed to think before the guards began to wheel the creature forward and he was forced to step aside and let them pass, eyes following intently as if afraid they might run of with the creature on a moment's notice. Stepping forward when the guards moved aside, he stood in the doorway, too occupied with this so called 'gift' from the Emperoro to pay attention to the extravagant and exquisite nature of the room befitted for him. Later, when he had time to study his new lodging, he'd ponder about how it was a world away from his own home beneath the stars, trying too hard in it's embellishment to the point it was crude in some way. It would be something he'd keep mum about to his host though, that and the feelings about this 'thoughtful' gift laid upon him. "Send my utmost thanks to the Emperor for this gift, I am..I am truly speechless." He said softly to the servant girl, stepping into his room. One hand alread on the chilling metal door as he offered a wavering smile from under his good as he nodded to the serf. Awkward in his farewell as he slowly closed the door upon her. Pausing to calm his racing heart that had seemingly jump started after his initial shock. Inhaling, his shoulders heaved before he turned around to face the sublime creature. The golden trimmings on it's tank seemed like such a crude mockery compared to the breath taking view off the ocean waves rolling and crashing onto the shore at his balcony. Sea salt spraying forwards as foamy waves met the soft sandy bed, the stagnant water of the tank an ill contrast. Firstly, he removed his hood, breathing in deeply as he stepped forward. Unsure how to approach this creature. Long ago, it was said the fae had part in the entirety of the planet. The sky, the earth, the sea and the under dark. Over time though, they were sectioned off from each other. The under dark grew to belong to the dwarves and the fae of the sea became known as the fabled Mer. Only the earth and the skies belonged to what was in essence still a fae. So in some way, he and this creature were distant distant relations. He should be able to at least relate to him in some way. Form a connection? Hesitation still made him pause as he approached the tank though. Watching the creature's gaze, he glanced at his balcony. It looked large enough to fit the tank and for him to squeeze in there as well. Turning back, he was taken aback by the creature's gaze; it's eyes stark against the pale contrast of it's face. "Ah, I suppose you'll be happier nearer the sea won't you? Hold on okay?" He said, unsure if the creature could hear him through the thick glass as he pressed his palms flat against it and pushed. The fae were not know for any feats of strength either, but the wheels turned slowly, protesting on the carpeted floor. The tank rocked dangerously, teetering on the table, water sloshing over the side onto the carpet. Amanti stopped, afraid it might topple and completely shatter. At most, he was able to get it near the entrance of the balcony which was the closest that he dared to have it lest a comedy of errors lead to a very regretful action. "Here, is it better?" He asked, pressing his face. Closer to the tank, not expecting a real answer. [hr] Days...he had not seen him for days or nights or the hours inbetween. And he searched all his usual places and the places no one else but he could swim in. He swam deep into the dark where he might've hidden, fighting against the crashing pressure, and then to the surface where the sun was warm, but the finding was unlikely. He lifted rocks and cried out into sunken ships until his lungs were filled with water and he was blue in the gills, but to no avail. Paranoia trapped him when he was not searching, filling his head with fearfu thoughts of legendary predators with gaping maws and rows of dagger teeth, of torn scales and eerie white bones glistening in the light filtering from the water's surface. But he struggled not to listen, plugged his ears shut and beat down his worries until he saw proof, so wen there was no evidence, he could only conclude one thing. If he was nowhere to be found in the water, he must be on the surface.