It was...troubling, simply put, listening to the creature-Sindre, here minded himself for that was his name. Straining his ears for the creature's voice was muffed and slightly garbled through the water and the glass, he listened with his brow knitting further and further and a worry in his heart that grew heavier and heavier. To hear that he'd been lied to, that apparently this creature supposedly hadn't been washed up and had even spoken, begged and called even for it's own freedom and right to deaf ears that decided he would better do as some sort of living ornament, made to be admired in his rather pitiful and plain glass cell. And though he was curious and ,childishly so, delighted to meet this confirmed 'Merfolk' in what could be in a once in a lifetime opportunity, well, that sense of discover failed to overwhelm the rather sick feeling churning, bubbling and rolling tumultuously in the pit of his stomach at the thought of having such a intriguing and gorgeous creature so gravely mistreated. The feeling only intensified like a growing storm as the Mer went on about his treatment or rather lack of the proper kind. The fae were a feeling kind, pacifists. Even the thought of them forcing the Mer's jaws open and shoving something distasteful to him, not taking into account that the Fae did not eat meat as it sickened them greatly, down his throat was enough to make Amanti's face scrunch in repulsion and disgust. Wrinkling his nose. At the very least, he was glad he could offer the Mer some relief as he sunk to the bottom of the tank, practically purring, if fish could purr. The tank was awfully cramped width wise though and Amanti felt sorry to see the creature squashed at the bottom. He couldn't even fully rest himself and even suspended in fluid, Amanti suspected it still used up some energy to stay upright and afloat. Sindre's own sleepy question eventually snapped him out of his heavy haze. And he returned his gaze to meet his, a certain sadness staining those golden globes as he sought to empathize with him and his plight. He didn't need to try very hard to. Still, when he finally realized what the creature was asking, he pulled his hands off the glass and shook his head, "Ah no, I came here on my own will. seek relation with the emperor...and my own people." He slowly trailed off, gaze falling to the ground as he begun to question if he even still wanted protection from the Emperor if he was the kind of man to ignore the will of other creatures and imprison them as ornaments. He knew dragons were obsessed with outward beauty and value, but this had to be taking it a step too far. How could he guarantee that the same thing wouldn't happen to his people as it had Sindre? And more importantly, did he actually have the luxury of a choice? "Ah, you do not have to address me by my full title, Amanti is fine." He said softly, distracting himself from sućh worrying thoughts when he realized the creature's funny little speech idiosyncrasy, managing a small bemused smile, albeit it being still a little sad over all with his pinched brow and dampened gaze. That quickly turned to surprise as the mer switched from a comfortable sleepy eyed creature to a panicked hissing animal, conered where it stood-uh floated. Amanti's gaze snapped towards the doors as the loud knocker chose to just shout brashly without permission. If his brow wasn't already furrowed, he would have knit it again hearing the prince's voice ring loudly through his door. Wincing as his new friend(?) screeched and made his ear drums come close to bleeding. Perhaps he should be glad tha the banshee pitched shriek was muffled by water and glass. As lightly as he could, he patted the glass and hoped to reassure the creature. Heating the water again since he had seemed to enjoy it so much earlier. One more gentle tap on the glass as if to cement some hopeful plea for the Mer to quieten, and he approached the door. Shivering at the cool metal against his fingertips before he let it swing open just enough for him to squeeze his head through and block the view into the room with his body. Even at this shocking revelation, he kept his expression calm; with not the slightest pinch of his brow as signal to his own troubling thoughts, "Prince Jin-Wei..." He started and then trailed offC seemingly momentarily at a loss for words, "It is pleasure to speak with you again. Yes I did very much enjoy your artisric gift. I am only sorry that it must be erased. As for Sindre," he glancedx backwards and bowed his head, "I am very much enjoying his company. Please if no one has already, send my humblest regards to the Emperor for this gift though if it is not too much trouble to request, may I please have some fish or seaweed. I believe Sindre is underfed and it is near time to eat." And oh to a fault he was in some regard, but he mustered a smile; a tight lipped forced smile, but a smile all the same at the Prince, "Other than that, I thank you humbly for the thoughtful accomodations." And he begun to close the door.