[img]http://www.static-18.themodernnomad.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/P1090994.jpg[/img] [i]New York City… One of the places that is filled with the most evil, most sinister villains on the whole Earth. Year: 2099 The evil has continued to grow, and the heroes in New York have been dwindling slowly. In a last ditch attempt to save the city, superheroes and mutants from all across the state have gathered together in New York City itself to fight off the overpowering evil. Will they be able to work together or will they tear each other to shreds before the end? Will they triumph? Or will they fall?[/i] [hr] [hr] [center] [color=orangered][h1]The Rules![/h1][/color] 1. You do have superpowers, but please, NO god modding. Superheroes are technically human too. 2. And on that note, you’re superhero must have a weakness, whether you choose one from a comic book or from a television show. They may not look like they have one, but they do. 3. Whatever I say, goes. Please do not argue with me. And put all characters in the character section! 4. PG-13 ONLY. I will allow romance, but no adult rated stuff guys. And keep the gore to a minimum 5. To prove you read the rules, put “United” down in the Other section of your CS. 6. Feel free to throw out ideas 7. I will allow anyone up to three characters. 8. Place your CS’s here in the OOC tab for me or one of my Co-GMs to approve before moving it to the Character Section 9. Respect me and I’ll respect you. Don’t respect me and you get to leave 10. Have fun! [/center] [hr] [center] [color=yellow][h2]Character Sheets[/h2][/color] PUT THESE IN HIDERS WITH YOUR CHARACTERS NAME AS THE (Click Me) PORTION Appearance: Name: Alias: Age: Gender: Personality: Weakness: Powers(Supernatural): Abilities(Natural): Gear: History: Hobbies: Other: [/center] [hr] [h3][color=crimson]About the Time Period[/color][/h3] [hider=Advancements in Weaponry]Weaponry has not become as advanced as all the movies say. Bullets are still the norm, but energy shells, a.k.a. laser bullets, are now going into prototyping form. Armored cars, thought, are not a rare sight anymore. Since villains have taken over, more and more armored cars are being sold to people who do not want to be killed. The armor protects them from most bullets, but it does not protect them from superhuman powers most of the time. There have been advancements in ballistic technology. Darts have been created to where if one is shot, their body breaks down for a few moments and they cannot move for a few hours.[/hider] [hider=Advancements in Mobility]Alright, I’m going to be a cliché and say that hovercrafts/cars/motorcycles have been created. But these hover-vehicles are rarely seen because they are expensive to make, which makes them expensive to buy. Most hovercrafts are with the military, but you can see other hover vehicles owned by the rich of New York City. Unless you are majorly into science and technology (like Tony Stark smart in that stuff), you will not be able to get one unless you scrounge the dump for old versions thrown out by the rich people. Most rich people do wind up sending these things to junkyards because they always want the newest version.[/hider] [hider=Advancements in Technology]Computers are now harder to hack into because more firewalls can be placed in the servers. Communication has become even easier and less of a hassle. Phones are now able to fold or roll up to fit into smaller places. It has become easier to listen in on conversations though with phones. It has also become easier to track people as well, because so many cameras have been put up around the city by the NYPD to dissuade crime. What we will be using for communication, mostly, are small earpieces. The microphones are now in the earpieces so all you have to do is say something aloud, and anyone connected to your conversation will hear it.[/hider] [hr] [h3][color=aquamarine]NPC Characters[/color][/h3] (Ask me and only me first before you use one of these NPCs) [hider=Urban Raiders]The Urban Raiders are [i]the[/i] street gang. Once the heroes began to disappear, they began to take over the streets. They absorbed many other gangs into theirs. They always seem to have the newest technology, the newest weaponry, the newest forms of transportation. Though they have the stuff, they aren’t always able to use it. They are not good shots and they suck at hand to hand combat. They do seem to have a very wealthy benefactor supporting them though. Below is their symbol and each of them seem to have it tattooed somewhere on their body. [img]http://cdn3.sbnation.com/imported_assets/206433/raiders-1.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=NYPD]The police department has gone downhill after the heroes have begun to disappear. They no longer have a lot of beat cops, but they still have detectives. But since they can’t nail anyone really for crimes, they use the detectives as beat cops. Because new heroes are so similar to villains, the cops do not really know which is which, and they will open fire on anyone with superhuman abilities or powers, whether they are good or not. So, all in all, try to stay away from them. If you can’t, then don’t use your powers in front of them.[/hider] [hider=Service Bots] [img]http://danshareza.com/images/service_bot.jpg[/img] Services bots have only been around for the past twenty years or so, which means that they are still fairly new. The main place that they are used are in hospitals because that is where they are needed most. They can also been seen with the wealthy of the city as well. They can also been seen on street sides for giving directions. They are mostly used to fetch things or to give directions, but because they are in their prototype stages, no one really knows what they can and cannot do. Most cannot do more than what is asked of them, but some can. But it is really hard to tell which is which. [/hider] [hider=Asylum Patients]::LOCKED UNTIL LATER::[/hider] [hider=Government Officials]::LOCKED UNTIL LATER::[/hider] [hr] [color=deeppink]If you have any questions, you can PM/ask me or one of my Co-GMs.[/color] [url=https://titanpad.com/yuZRvqmSQm]United We Stand Collab Pad[/url] [url=http://us20.chatzy.com/11930080175282]United We Stand Chatroom[/url]