Shouting at the fella to calm down wasn't having no effect, or at least a noticeable one. For all intents and purposes the outta control hype was playing deaf. Terrific. That meant it was back to the drawing table for Red. Problem was the only alternative he could come up with was that 'final' solution that kept rattling away at the back of his head. His hands were stained enough without spilling more of the red stuff. That's the thing with being with the forces. Sure, they teach you how to kill, a damn useful skill when you're huddled behind half inch thick plywood with [i]'bad guys'[/i] doing their darndest to fill you full of holes. The flip side of that is you can't be too surprised when that becomes your go to option for most of life's problems. Red had the further handicap that he'd spent so long doing jobs for Constantine's Guard that he was halfway indoctrinated himself. Him, a hype of all people! So now, despite the fact he shared that special H-gene with the poor guy at the middle of this mess Red could still feel the inclination to paint the guy as the villain in this piece, when he was quite clearly as much a victim here as the folk caught in the gravity wells. It didn't hurt that this was almost exactly the scene that the Guard had been fearing since their inception, an irresponsible, out of control hype causing devastation. [color=dodgerblue][i]"Old man! I don't think he's in too much of a position to listen!"[/i][/color] Red turned, a scowl painted on his face. He found the more people felt the need to remind him of his age the less likely he was to take heed of it himself. He was surprised to see it was the waitress from earlier. What the hell was she thinking she was doing, other than going the right way about getting herself hurt. [COLOR=DARKRED]"It was worth a try,"[/color] He called back to her. [color=darkred]"And if I don't do something soon then he's gonna get put down. He's already killed someone already, you can be damn sure the cops won't let him do it again. Now get outta here, before you get yourself hurt."[/color] He didn't wait for any further argument, instead taking a step forward, straight into the gravity well. The pressure was sudden and intense. He'd said that he carried the weight of the world on his shoulders enough in the past to actually start to think it was true. He knew the lie of that now. In all his life he'd never felt a weight like this. It was like the air all around him was trying to crush him into the dirt. Like being an ant squished under an invisible boot. With a pained groan he fell to his knees. He could almost hear his bones creaking. It hurt, is the gist of it. Luckily for Red, things hurting is his whole bag. He could feel strength flooding his limbs, making him feel young again. With another groan he pushed himself back up. Teeth clenched in effort he took one faltering step forwards. The another. Then another. Towards the unknown hype.