Mikhail's emerald eyes glazed over for a moment as the short girl began her slight spiel. He had never been very good with accents, which made going to school over seas quite the challenge, and he had just now started to get the hang of understanding Japanese accents, but this new thick German one was kicking his but in understanding. After hat must of been a truly awkward moment of silence Mikhail had to shake his head to pull himself out of the fog that his got stuck into from decoding the girl's words. [color=00a651][b]"Uhhhh yyyyyeeeeaaahhh... testing yer navigating right. I don't know about all that lass, but I know where yer place is, it is smashed in with all the other Knight dorms.[/b][/color] He said before he let out a yawn and rolled his neck. [color=00a651][b]"I can show ya how to get there, I have to trek out that way myself anyway to get to my flat."[/b][/color] He added as he looked back to the girl.