[b][u]Name:[/b][/u] Petra von Rustenford [b][u]Age:[/b][/u] 211 (Turned when she was 24) [b][u]Species:[/b][/u] Vampire [b][u]Gender:[/b][/u] Female [b][u]Human Appearance:[/b][/u] [hider=Petra von Rustenford][IMG]http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m9cd21b4lX1r88gxvo1_500.jpg[/IMG][/hider] Due to her germanic descent, Petra is taller than the average human. She received the brown, voluminous, straight hair from her mother while receiving ice blue eyes from her father. On most occasions, she’s typically wearing a strict business-professional attire or fashion which are typically seen worn by the general rich and wealthy. Casual attire is typically reserved for when Petra’s in absolute solitude. [b][u]Beast Appearance:[/u][/b] Underworld bat-esque appearance. [b][u]Personality:[/b][/u] Deceptive and extremely manipulative. She takes pride in her ways of making her thralls squirm as she quenches her parched throat that appeases her insatiable thirst. As violent as she is with her servants, she is equally as adept in keeping a sociable face — particularly in the presence of her elders. She’s careful with her words as she says what she means and doesn’t say a word more. Often times, she gets annoyed when people can’t perform what is expected of them. To her, applying to all she interacts with, if one cannot complete what task is given to them, they become useless pieces that need to be replaced. In the manner of how they’re disposed depends to each individual. In another life, from a time that Petra barely remembers, glimpses of her city where she still lived in her parents do come back at moments. They serve as an anchor to her past. The one slim barrier, which keeps her monstrous self at bay and preserves the sparse merciful moments she experiences at times. However, no matter how strong the emotions, nothing can stop the curse she received long ago. [b][u]Brief History:[/b][/u] Having immigrated from the Germanic lands of Europe, Petra and her family settled in the colonial Massachusetts bay colony. Like many of the other children, she grew up as a catholic christian, practiced lady-like etiquette of that befitting English women, and involved herself with her father’s merchantry business, which began as a humble trading post but grew to continental dealings. Strong relations were underway as she was engaged to a prominent English family against her will but from the desire of her father. In time, she grew to love her fiancé. The day of the wedding was closely moving upon them when the calamity struck. It was this act that would spark the future events of what would be called the Salem Witch Trials. Believing that these creatures belonged only in the fantasy realm of the human mind, Petra encountered a man when she was returning from a night engagement. When the man asked her for help, and she obliged his request, she was taken and turned as the beast quenched its thirst on her blood. Instead of killing her, she was spared. The monster left no time for explanation, as it left. She was found and brought to the hospital. Her recovery was short, but her turning was not kind. Having not reined in her impulse, she took the life of her future husband and whatever servants stood nearby. The craze of the feeding — and the nature in how it was preformed — helped substantiate fanatics who claimed she was a witch. One who performed rites through the blood of the innocent. From thereafter, she abandoned her true identity and worked to begin anew. Time passed as the sins of the world caused Petra to loathe and reject. With her vulnerability to sunlight, her needs of constant blood, and the danger of people knowing her identity has changed the girl. To survive as a monster, she became a monster. Taking control of her family’s business, which was now stationed in England, manipulation and deception acted as her sword and shield. Soon joining the ranks of her own kind, the old Petra is gone while a crazed, ruthless new one has assumed its place. To survive, this change was necessary.