[hider= Jason D. Maverick...'Ghost'.][center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/0f/f1/71/0ff1713ca6d5f0fe23a014be37dbf302.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Jason D. Maverick [b]Alias:[/b] Ghost [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Personality:[/b] Ghost is certainly a....jaded young man. Obviously, it has a lot to do with his rather...broken, sharded past, but that's a story for another time. He's a man that keeps to himself, doing all of his work alone and constantly, attempting to rid the world of evil one step at a time. Ghost is a tough guy, both physically and mentally, who takes pride in strength and the ability to carry on, even when all odds, evens, and everything inbetween is stacked against you. A dark, unaffected man at heart, Ghost's sardonic, world-weary exterior actually hides a fragile, yet, to contradict this, steel-like heart. He sees most people as just another civilian to save, and thinks of those younger than him as 'kids'; he's not arrogant enough to believe that they wouldn't be able to kill him, but this leads to him dismissing most and continuing onto his mission, which is another trait of his; Focused and intense. Cold, quiet, and determined, Ghost is a man on a mission...and that mission is to rid the world of villains. [b]Weakness:[/b] Ghost's weakness is rather specific. Incredibly large bursts of electricity can fry the mutation genes and alleles inside of his body, temporarily making his passive-less powers useless. Other then that, with enough force and piercing power, he can be broken. It's just really hard to do. [b]Powers:[/b] [url=http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Supernatural_Condition]Supernatural Conditioning[/url], and [url=http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Object_Manipulation]Object Manipulation[/url], in which these two characters go hand-in-hand. His Object Manipulation is mainly used to create whatever functional weapon he needs at the time, and since they are permanent until broken, he keeps the more situation-efficient weapons on his body, although he can break them down into particles to be re-absorbed, when necessary. The objects he creates are carbon-copies of the real-life, standard weaponry, lacking any supernatural glow, color, or anything of that variety. That little effect is especially useful for intimidating purposes. [b]Abilities:[/b] A former Marine, Jason is skilled and efficient in hand-to-hand combat, weaponry combat, and fire-arm combat; fire-arm combat being his preferred method unless unarmed/melee is more efficient for a certain situation. Although he has learned quite a few styles, a necessity in the Marines, Jason uses the standard Marine Corps CQC form, which is only increased in lethality due to his body. True to his name, Jason is very stealthy, although he tends to just take things out as efficiently as brutally possible. He's called Ghost because he's the last thing you'll see. [b]Gear:[/b] Jason's gear is made from his own powers. Will be described in the RP. Other than the weapons/weapon supplements, he possesses nothing else, seeing as everything he needs can be created on the spot. Thankfully, or none-too-thankfully, he's not greedy, and doesn't care much about material possessions. [b]History:[/b] Jason was originally born as 'Casey Tyler', in Southern California. He was a sweet little American boy - well, born that way, until he was actually pushed, rather roughly, into the real world. Born to a drunken mother and an abusive father, Jason was thrown haphhazardly into a shit school, with even shittier students, whom did nothing but bank on him whenever he came to school with black eyes and bruises and scars. This led to him becoming an angry, spiteful young boy that got into fights at school; which, while toughening him up, also made the beatings at home become worse and worse, until Jason finally snapped and fought back. He was ten, and his father was a beer-bellied fool. His mother was drunk out on the couch, house-gown askew, and Jason had been doodling on the floor to let out his anger; something his counselor recommended. A kick to the face and he was spitting out blood and baby teeth. There was no roaring of anger, no yells or pleas. He simply snapped, and things happened. He dully remembered a bunch of punching, biting, spitting, and kicking, before a beer bottle found it's way against his head, and his mother fell out of her drunken stupor, yelling 'What have you done?!' to his father. There were sirens, yells, and then the sound of a door being kicked in. More punching and kicking; more biting, and then the sound of electricity arcing through the room...a taser. The feeling of being picked up mixed with agonizing pain, and Jason woke up in a hospital, being watched by a squadron of police officers and sympathetic nurses. He hazenly turned away, stubborn to the end, and that's where a new era of his life began. He was given to a new family, and then to a new family, and then to yet another new one; these people eventually giving him back due to the way he was growing up. As he grew older, Jason got more and more aggressive, his body shedding baby fat and forming steel, whipcorded muscle. The bulliers were now the ones getting their shit kicked in, and Jason's future wasn't looking good. Finally, at the age of seventeen, something came; his destiny. He was signed up into the military, against his wills, by his current adoptive father. He was shipped to base as soon as possible; only two months later, and life moved on. His body was put through Hell, spitting back out the hell-fire and coming out stronger because of it. Knowledge, discipline, and esprit de corps were now a part of his daily regime. He was now a soldier, and a God damned good one at that. It was around this time of his life that he discovered his power. He had been crouching low behind a sandy wall, sniper rifle aimed at the terrorist leader's head, when a bullet blasted from the nearby sand dunes, slamming against his grenade and sending him backwards, where he slammed against his cloaked humvee. His teammates blasted from their ghillie suits, and there was an ensuing firefight. Jason had been forgotten amongst the chaos, and dragged his bleeding and broken body after the fleeing terrorist. Once he caught up, he tackled the man, and a vicious battle took place, the man's body-guards aiming and firing. Instantly, a Desert Eagle had formed in his hands; without thinking, he placed burning hot lead in each of their heads, making the mission successful. However, amongst the sandy dunes, he had been forgotten....hundreds of hours away from any help. He spent the next few months trekking the deserts, until he found signs of his squad's Humvee. Tracking it down, using his body's abnormal conditioning, he came to realize that he was 'Missing in Battle', and considered dead. Turns out the government didn't like what they didn't understand, apparently his teammates had said that they'd seen him die from the blatant grenade explosion. 'Casey' had to leave the base, under threats of impersonation and fraud. Bitter and jaded, he changed his identity, becoming Jason D. Maverick. Jason then began his life of crime-fighting, finding no further reason to serve his country, and no other reason to live, other than putting his skills to use protecting others...even if it was far from glory. [b]Hobbies:[/b] Exercise, hunting down criminals, and drinking coffee. [b]Other:[/b] Nothing much. [s]United.[/s] [hider=Vigilante Uniform][img]http://th05.deviantart.net/fs50/PRE/i/2009/326/8/6/Call_of_Duty_GHOST_by_Echoes1.png[/img][/hider][/center][/hider]