[color=#8000ff][h1]Enya Andrews[/h1][/color] Enya toasted by tilting the glass toward Juliette but blinked long lashes a few times before finally smirking lightly, coming to the conclusion that Juliette was cracking a joke. It was the Lamia’s gruesome past that almost caused her downfall by the exact Supernatural she shared celebration with, however. Furies, like Valkyries were one of the justified races that chose who lived and who died in a sense. These infernal goddesses strictly followed a set of rules for avenging the wronged; otherwise, these hostile females were sure to kill for no legitimate reason and upset the balance. This code was the only line separating them from a regular mass murderer or serial killer but in hindsight they could be viewed as the exact same in human perspective. A trail of blood followed Enya for a time; only a few months after leaving the Andrew’s home did she exercise her right to execute the deserving. It was Juliette who altered her perspective but that was not to say they did not share a few heated discussions. One does not simply change a furie’s mind on means of punishment. They only live to extract revenge and were created for this very reason. Enya noticed over time Juliette’s willpower to change her own ways by not continuing to indulge in her--rather horrifying appetite. Speaking of which, Enya always tried in vain to get the Lamia to eat regular food. [b]“Forgive me.”[/b] Enya conveyed shame in a sigh but shook her head when flashed a wad of cash from her friend’s pocket. [b]“No no. I am sure there are some noodles with imitation chicken broth in the cupboard. That will have to suffice."[/b] When first manifested Enya refused to give into her human needs by instead rebelling against them. Illness befell her of course and from then on she had to remind herself the simple human burdens like eating and sleeping were a necessity. She finds these things a nuisance to this day and can be heard occasionally bickering about it to herself. [b]“Uh.”[/b] She said digested by Juliette’s suggestion. [b]“I couldn’t possibly work around sustenance. You don’t have to eat while I am obligated to.”[/b] After ending the sentence the third roommate gradually meandered to the porch. Ziander, a werewolf that always livened the sometimes dim atmosphere with his quirks. Enya found the rugged man amusing at times and his debauchery around the full moon hardly phased the furie. In the past Enya had often wondered around their Supernatural chalet barely dressed until Juliette gave her a motherly scolding. Such acts were natural she thought but not exactly appropriate around just anyone. Even though Ziander wouldn’t harm a hair on her head modesty should be practiced in general, notably. [b]“No one but...I would not know recently.”[/b] She replied in displeasure about leaving her cell and purse at her ex-employment building. A hand poured another glass of the crystal clear liquid. Enya took to this Greek drink like a pro--for obvious reasons but other alcoholic drinks did not quite settle within her. She was a light weight and had gotten plastered accidentally one too many times—and each time a memorable disaster with either roommate holding her hair back while she rid the contents gracelessly. It was a strange form approaching the home that made Enya’s head tilt to the side curiously. A towering man with pointed features one could not easily avoid scanning. He seemed nervous which was endearing but also distracted. According to this man he desired a residence. [b]“Your attire is quite odd. Are you not sweltering in this weather?”[/b] Enya said in a casual yet matter-of-factly way unintentionally ignoring his question. Never was her motive to hurt but her social skills were still in need of some work along with her ability to handle empathy. Poor Juliette and the Andrew’s family would be smothered with an annoyingly innocent question and statement: [i]Why[/i] or [i]I do not understand[/i] for a good chunk of their living together.