Airus hung around the school, doing patrols and checking security bots. As the schools shut down for the day he went back to the gates, Smokey following along like a lost puppy. The robot had always been a good friend and thanks to his connection he had even gotten the thing a little bit of personality of course he still the quiet type. Yet he was unique painted black and gray rather the usual blue and white of most Secure-X protector bots. He purchased a cup of coffee and hung around outside, it was warm yet the sea breeze kept it bearable as he waited patiently as Kanako arrived he gave her a wave. He would walk her over to the compound, right inside the Knight rooming district as unsurprisingly most Enforcers in the field were Knights. However they also had more Espers working desk jobs then anywhere else in the city. Mages rarely joined Enforcer due to the fact that generally preferred chaotic fun to orderly conduct. [i]Across town in a small Enforcers station[/i] The receptionist looked up and smiled at Taro handing him a sheet of paper to fill out, then moments later a second one. "Fill this out and head over to main Enforcers compound, look for officer Airus he's been made today's recruiting officer." She hummed and rubbed her head, she was an Esper yet a unique kind telepathic communicate. These Epsers were always quickly snatch up by the Enforcers for there ability to send messages and picture instantly. They received great benefits and higher pay grade. "His partner called in earlier to let me know he would be bringing by some Esper girl who was pining for a desk job." She giggled.