Hello there, I'm TheMM00s3. Some information on me, I'm a 19 year old heterosexual male (If that matters to you). I'm currently going to college and I am also a video game nerd. I'm not too picky on different types of video games, I've played everything from RPGs, FPSs, Strategy, Horror and so on. I write quite a bit, currently working on a book as a matter of fact, I am a decent drawer, and I also have a Youtube channel as well. (Link to the Youtube Channel is in my signature if you are interested.) My favorite artist is H.R. Giger and I like a lot of Tim Burton stuff, Nightmare Before Christmas being my favorite movie of all time. Soooo... That's all I can think of at the moment, if you have any questions about me just ask. Before I explain the RPs I'm interested in I would like to lay down some ground rules. 1. You must be able to post at least one long paragraph or two short paragraphs on average. I know short posts are bound to happen, in that case please write at least 3-4 lines, but only if you can't write anymore. 2. You must be respectful to me as I must be respectful of you. I'm a pretty laid back guy, but if I feel like you have disrespected me we will have some problems, so just try to be nice. 3. You don't have to post everyday, as I have a tendency to disappear at times, but if you are going to be gone for an extended amount of time, try to notify me before hand and I will do the same. 4. Grammar isn't the largest of issues but please try to make sure the post is legible. Grammar mistakes happen, just don't make them a problem. 5. Please be patient with me. I can sometimes get overwhelmed and have trouble posting, if I post something that you think should be rewritten just tell me and I will fix the problem. 6. As far as romance in RPs goes, I don't have a problem with it, but I will not allow any mature content of that nature. 7. Some of my RPs can deal with some pretty dark and sensitive topics, such as self inflicted harm or death. If these are too sensitive of topics for you please tell me so I know to steer clear of it. 8. I'd like to get to know you as a person as much as I'd like to RP with you so understand that I may sometimes ask about your day and try to communicate with you on a more personal level at times. 9. Tell me your favorite color at the end of your response, so I can know you have read and understand my rules. If I've forgotten any other rules, we can talk about them when we talk about the RP. Speaking of RPs here is a list of RP's I would be interested in doing. Non have any specific plots so suggestions are recommended. Generic Genres: Sci-fi Medieval Fantasy Horror Post-Apocalyptic Fandom Based: Dead Space Mass Effect SAO Mega Man DC Universe Death Note Soul Eater Alien Nightmare Before Christmas If you have any parings or ideas not listed above, or any plot ideas I implore you to suggest them and if I like the idea I will definitely let you know. As for the Fandoms, I would prefer Original story and Characters, but I don't mind either way. Anyway's thank you for your time, if you have any questions just ask, and with that I will bid you a farewell.