Cornelia scuffed. The knife, she didn't even feel it hit her. She took it out, and licked the blood on the knife. [color=firebrick]"Show me more! The pleasure coming from this, I want to kill you more!"[/color] A Black Hole appeared on Cornelia's hand, and the hilt of a blade, emanating a bloodthirsty and dangerous aura, could be seen. She Lunged at Marcus as she was about to take out the blade, when suddenly the [i]Child[/i] attacked using the jet stream of fire. Cornelia thought quickly, and the used her ability to summon something. [b]"Gunbai!"[/b] A weapon that looked like a folding fan appeared. Using her Meta-Ability Creation, she Used the Earth Element to summon a large amd giant wall of Earth, used to protect them from the jet stream of fire. [color=firebrick]"The only reason I protected you was so that I can kill all of you by my own hands, but first lets deal with this little b****"[/color] [b][i]BGM: [url=]Cornelia's Destruction Kakusei[/url][/i][/b] Cornelia made a Black Hole appear on her hand, as she grabbed the hilt of the sword. A sudden falsh of purple light began to emanate from the sword. Suddenly the flash faded, Cornelia had grown horns and a Demonic Tail, along with purple streaks all over her body. This was the Form one would take when they would utilize the full power of The Demon Blade Muramasa. [b]Deus[/b] Deus was in awe as Cornelia utilized the Earth Element to Block the fire, and go Demon Forme. His Dark Aura was gone, and he was back to normal. He sensed the Toxic Fumes and where they were. He activated the Wind Element, and began to trap the Fumes in a small container of wind. There was no atmospheric pressure in the container so the fumes would surely vanish. Once he was done with that he activated his Aura Manipulation to communicate telepathically with his team [color=indigo][i]'Aura Manipulation: Indigo Aura! Guys I am speaking to you telepathically, I need everyone to protect me while I activate one of my powers to stop these things.'[/i][/color] Deus summoned a force field generator and activated it covering himself, not before covering Marcus, Cornelia and Liz in His Aura, giving them an Armor made of Energy, utilizing his Aura. As he sat down on the floor, two black holes appeared on his hands. [b][i]Posts until Power Activates: 1 [/i][/b]